Most importantly, boycott BIG pHARMa and spread your word!

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Ha Ha Ha!!!! No one crawls through all the garbage it takes to get elected to do "the right thing". One gets elected to better one's self. What is the one thing elected politicians have to sell? I'll give you a hint, it's the same thing Kings used to sell. (Has there ever been a politician that left office poorer than when they took office?) Politicians can only sell a competitive edge that is otherwise illegal. They change the law to benefit one party over another. It is no surprise that the highest bidder gets the most favors. Why is the US Tax Code thousands of pages long? Gotta pack a lot of favors in there. While technically those elected "need" our votes, they can count on the fact that most of the electorate has no clue about the issues, betrayals, or outright criminality. The electorate cares even less than they know about it. Given that people who seek special favors outbid the apathetic electorate every time, do you really believe the government will work for "us"?

I don't have a foolproof solution. As long as there is power there will be people who seek it to abuse it. Perhaps adding a body to the legislature who's only function is to repeal laws would be a step in the correct direction. At least it might keep those who sell us out at every turn on their toes for a bit.

As long as we give people power over us, they will abuse it. After all, what else is power for? Yes, I am cynical, but I came by it honestly.

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Great observation about the double standard. I wish people could be shamed into giving up inconsistent positions, but reason has almost lost its power to sway the masses of people who shout slogans about healthcare.

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Double standards are indeed the lifeblood of politics. The $$$ club wielded by Pharma usually produces outcomes Pharma wants. As for Paxton, my question - was he acting in compliance with TX law? Has he applied the prosecution of this law equally?

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