Take a look at Mercola's article today about the power of the big three media giants, AP, Reuters, and the French group. It goes beyond advertising. Each of these groups is essentially CIA/DOD and whatever international intelligence connection they have. All media wait for cues and reporting from these outlets before they report anything. This is how international corporatism/the New World Order controls what is reported and not reported. They have not signaled that it is OK to report this important story. When they do, there will be a sanctioned spin.

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Headed to read Mercola! He is fantastic and one of my favorite reads…….and it sounds like today is spot on accurate by him.

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Yes, the establishment is so message disciplined that there had to be a command system.

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"In this day and age, it’s important to remember that when you read the mainstream media, you’re not really reading NBC or CBS or ABC, you’re reading FBI and CIA and DOJ." -- some guy I know

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IMO Tucker is a fearless warrior. Few others are willing to take on the establishment. He is the highest rated show in most of television/cable. His longer shows on Fox Nation are often excellent but seldom boring.

I feel that Project Veritas uses their build up to attract viewers...without a little drama/tease few would even watch. Today's people are so easily distracted or lack interest that it often takes a little showmanship to get their attention.

What I find interesting; the subject of the video, when confronted, says he was "lying and just trying to impress a date!" 🤣

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The other interesting thing the subject of the video said was that he (Pfizer) was just trying to help people. This was the same line the Nazis used as they sent Jews to ghettos "for their protection" and to concentration camps where they could have a shower. We all know how that ended yet here we are again with a Pfizer executive calling the police to complain he felt unsafe because there were "too many white people around." The totalitarian left is a group of brutal thugs who have use racial hatred as a tool of control, and perform medical experiments on unwilling participants. The left learned its lessons well from their Nazi predecessors.

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Yes - that part was hilarious- like he’s practicing to be a career politician next: lying so that people hear what they want to hear versus being a public servant in interest of the people. Pretty sure there’s also a part of the video where he discusses the fact that Pharma has the next openings for government people that leave to go work in private sector: DOD, HHS and others. Much like all the ex government people going to work at social media companies!

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And more and more people are waking up to the fact that there are no shots or vaccines:



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The Veritas video is truly pointless. I unsubscribed from Steve Kirsch for the second time last night, due to the fact that he has zero focus and tries repeatedly to contact agencies and people who cannot and will not make a difference because they are not in control. (CDC, FDA, NIH ) The DOD runs the shot show, in conjunction with the HHS. The EUA immoral laws are very clear. Here is Katherine Watt's take on Veritas:


Pfizer/Moderna DO NOT MAKE the shots. They are made by subcontractors for liability purposes.

Consider the build-up and the drama that Veritas does before every "release" - think about it; is the Pfizer guy in the video in control of anything? He is not.

Don't let distractions, like the Veritas garbage, distract you from the real goal - stopping the kill shots.


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You are right. The DOD totally runs this show and targeting pharma/govt FDA and such does no good. I was just impressed that Tucker aired this. I have to wonder how many who watched that clip had no idea, and still have no idea how we got where we are. There are a lot of “normies” out there who are skeptical but they don’t do the same research that people like you or I do. SO I hope this woke them up to a big WTF moment. But yes I agree with you. If Pfizer is monkeying with “directed evolution” it is at the instruction of the DOD. Which Tucker did mention a bit but did not go deep diving on. Happy Friday to you friend!

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From Bailiwicks News:

"Key to the whole international crime is the role of CDC/HHS, under executive orders (Bush and Obama) that cause executive public health authority to supersede legislative and judicial power in the event of a WHO-declared “public health emergency of international concern,” as happened March 2020 and is still in force.

HHS Secretary and state health department secretaries now have more government power than elected president, governors and legislators and more power than courts, for as long as WHO maintains the emergency exists."

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I agree about Steve as well. He has lost the path lately. The clot shot manufacturers are just that: the subcontractors. Anything they do with them is government directed.

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Thanks Jennifer. I will no longer throw people "under the bus", just because they are not up to speed. They all are doing their best, Tucker, O'Keefe, Kirsch and others. The fact that we were all thrown into this pre-planned eugenics program three years ago makes me very angry. Thanks for all your great posts. Peace.

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It makes me angry too my friend. And I so agree with you and your frustrations. I wish everyone was as up to speed and awake about the truth of what this DOD government directed genocide actually is. Bailiwick nails it. DOD will make Pfizer the sacrificial lamb to protect their DOD program. Heck, DOD sacrificed all of us they could with the mind control propaganda over the last 3 years. I sent the Tucker video to my sister and mom…….neither of them subscribe to my substack because they say “it is just too over their heads”. Between the 2 of them, they have had 7 vaccines. They ignored anything I tried to educate them with since this all began. But that damn Tucker video, I sent them THAT last night and guess what? Both of them had questions today. It is a gentle wake up for them. My mom even went as far as to say “we have been lied to”. This is the first time she has had that realization. If I went as deep with the knowledge that you and I have with my mom, I would lose her because she just doesn’t have the paving stones to put it all together. Sad, isn’t it! I have so many great readers on here who know the whole story, and many of you have greater knowledge in areas than I do. Which I think is fantastic!!!!! I have learned a lot from all of you on this journey too. You’re one of the good ones my friend. I always enjoy what you share here! Don’t ever stop! ❤️.

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Wow. Such positive news about your Mom! It's so very hard to break through. My brother has ALL the jabs. I've tried everything. He has taken to questioning my intelligence to maintain the narrative he is following. Thanks for the great news. Peace.

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Yes, pharma is propping up a LOT of TV networks. I almost never watch TV but since my mom was in rehab center and now having to spend a lot of time at her home (she keeps the TV on 'for noise' the entire day) I am guessing that about half of the commercials are for some kind of pharma product. It's ridiculous and disgusting.

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