Pfizer is in some hot water. Gain of function is now called “directed evolution”. And they are mutating covid in their lab.
For those of you who have not seen the Project Veritas video of Jordan Walker, a senior scientist for Pfizer and the 3rd in command behind Albert Bourla, I recommend you give this a watch. It has had 12 million views on Twitter as of 1-26-23. It should be noted that ZERO media outlets covered this AT ALL in the 24 hours after it was released.
To recap: Walker states that Pfizer is working on “directed evolution” which is a fancy new way of saying “gain of function”. What are they up to? Oh, you know, mutating the covid virus to “get ahead” of future mutations so they will already have a vaccine for them. Or in other words, creating the next mutation so they know what it will be and have a new vaccine for it. He goes further though. He admits that the “federal regulators” such as the FDA, CDC, NIH go EASY on them because eventually, those federal regulators go to work FOR the pharma companies. So of course they go easy on them, because the federal regulators who are to protect all of us are just pandering and back patting the company they will eventually go to work for. I would even be as bold as to say that the federal regulators lax rules towards pharma are pre-requisites for future employment with them. He takes it further with stating that government defense employees do the same thing and go work for military companies post government employment. Well fantastic. Every single government entity that is supposed to protect us is doing nothing of the sort. We already knew this, but here it is in blatant admission. Walker goes on to admit what the cash cow covid is for Pfizer, and states that the original strain was a lab experiment gone wrong and “didn’t just happen in nature as they say”. Watch the 9 minute video linked above.
Almost 24 hours after the release of this veritas video, we have the first media company to address it. Tucker Carlson on Fox. He spent 15 minutes dissecting the video that Veritas released, the horrors admitted in it, and the video that came out on the 26th about Walker’s reaction to finding out he had been recorded. He went nuts to put it mildly. Here is the link to Tucker Carlson’s reporting.
I recommend you give both of these videos a watch. Holy cannoli. Of course, Pfizer cannot be reached for comment. And every other channel is silent due to pharma being their biggest advertiser.
Take a look at Mercola's article today about the power of the big three media giants, AP, Reuters, and the French group. It goes beyond advertising. Each of these groups is essentially CIA/DOD and whatever international intelligence connection they have. All media wait for cues and reporting from these outlets before they report anything. This is how international corporatism/the New World Order controls what is reported and not reported. They have not signaled that it is OK to report this important story. When they do, there will be a sanctioned spin.
IMO Tucker is a fearless warrior. Few others are willing to take on the establishment. He is the highest rated show in most of television/cable. His longer shows on Fox Nation are often excellent but seldom boring.
I feel that Project Veritas uses their build up to attract viewers...without a little drama/tease few would even watch. Today's people are so easily distracted or lack interest that it often takes a little showmanship to get their attention.
What I find interesting; the subject of the video, when confronted, says he was "lying and just trying to impress a date!" 🤣