Yep. All the actual data showed that the jab didn't stop transmission. The 'experts' certainly knew this when they lied to us all -- I know because I knew, and I'm just some guy who can go to official websites and parse the data shown there.

There was never one single piece of data that showed vaccinated people don't carry the virus, yet that's exactly what Walinkski told us: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/coronavirus/vaccinated-individuals-dont-carry-virus-or-get-sick-cdc/2506677/

“Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people don’t carry the virus, don’t get sick and that it’s not just in clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data,” said Walensky.


Just to repeat -- there was NEVER ANY DATA AT ALL that suggested that. NEVER EVEN ONCE. And that's why they were forced to walk back the claim so soon after it was made -- but the damage was done.



CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky had said Tuesday that "vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that is not just in the clinical trials but it's also in real world data." Her statement was based on a large study the federal health agency released Monday that had tracked newly vaccinated people in the U.S. over 13 weeks to monitor the efficacy of the vaccines in daily life. The CDC followed nearly 4,000 heath care workers, police, firefighters and other essential workers who received one of the two mRNA vaccines between Dec. 14 and March 13 and tested them weekly for COVID-19.

Testing showed that the risk of infection went down by 90% two weeks or more after they received their second dose, and even just one dose was 80% effective after two weeks. Of the 2,479 people in the study who were fully vaccinated, just three contracted COVID-19, which is in line with the vaccine's efficacy. In comparison, the CDC also tracked 994 people who were not vaccinated, and 161 contracted COVID-19. No one in the study died.

Because the majority of the vaccinated people did not test positive for COVID-19 during the 13 weeks, Walensky concluded that they did not carry the virus.


Reducing infection by 90% is not 'vaccinated people don't carry the virus.'

It was a lie and she knew it was a lie when she said it.

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Agreed. And when she was confronted, I believe her reply was something along the lines of “well according to CNN”……..which everyone found baffling that it should have been HER data NOT the CNN report stating anything about vaccine efficacy!

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Nailed it my friend. She outright lied when she said that vaccinated people do not carry the virus in both clinical trials and in the real world. There never was a clinical trial to show evidence of it. Which we all came to find out bits and pieces of when Pfizer released data over the last 6 months.

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Unimaginable money on the table here.

The type that cannot be perceived.

Sloshing around everywhere.

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BIllions and billions. While the every day people lost their jobs, face 8% inflation and cannot afford to put food on the table.

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Just curious why didn’t she say their phase 3 trial showed 95% protection against infection? Are the good MPs asking for different studies on transmission? Thanks!

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I am on your side. I think the mandates on the vaccine were a Crime Against Humanity. I think the suppression of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine was a Crime Against Humanity.

But officials always told us the vaccine wouldn't stop the spread.

So, why is everyone proclaiming this admission, from the Pfizer Rep, to be some sort of smoking gun?

Here is a video from Rachel Wallensky - August 2021 - proclaiming the vaccine MAY make COVID less transmissible by decreasing its potency.


It is true that a lot of these same officials also sometimes claimed it would stop the spread, that we were in the midst of a "pandemic of the unvaccinated", etc. so i am not trying to say they never lied. But they ALSO told us the truth, if you listened.

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You are right…..they did eventually backtrack. But go back to when the vaccines came out. Their narrative was if you were vaccinated you would not catch or give covid to someone else. Biden said it. Walensky said it. Every talking head on the news said it. August of 21 is when the cracks in the foundation began. You gotta go back further to when the masses were vaccinated and look at THAT narrative. Walensky wasn’t saying the same narrative in January-May 2021 that she was in August 2021. When they didn’t tell the truth early on, is when most people got their first vaccines. Why is this a smoking gun? Because the pharma companies themselves NEVER admitted this before.

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I have read a tremendous amount on the subject of COVID, since February of 2020. I don't remember how I learned, but I remember learning very early on that mRNA vaccines to not provide immunity, but instead, theoretically, merely give the body a way to weaken the COVID vaccine. I always knew they didn't "stop the spread." I knew the politicians who said so were lying, and I remember clearly that they contradicted themselves on the subject on a constant basis.

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Absolutely agree. The talking heads have known all along it was crap, and the mRNA was way oversold to the public as the way out of the pandemic. “Save grandma, go get the vaccine so you asymptomatic spreaders don’t kill her with covid”. Man oh man, how many people lined up due to that alone. So sad.

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Here is a video of Fauci telling the truth that the mRNA vaccine does not "protect against infection. This is from January of 2021.


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I am going to try to internet search this, I don’t have facebook so it won’t let me open it but I definitely want to see this! Thank you! :):)

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And here he is in May saying that vaccinated people are dead-ends for the virus.


Now, which one did the media ignore and which did the continue to press as the truth?

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Here he is in February saying the same thing.


A growing body of evidence suggests that the Covid-19 vaccine can slow the spread of the coronavirus, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday.

Whether vaccination can prevent transmission of the virus is “the looming question,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said during a White House coronavirus response team briefing. “If a person gets infected despite being vaccinated — we refer to that as a ‘breakthrough’ infection — does that person have the capability of transmitting to another person?”

“There have been some studies that are pointing in a very favorable direction,” he said, adding that these studies will have to be corroborated by additional research.


Once again, exactly no data ever showed that the spread stopped with vaccinated people, as Fauci is suggesting.

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I think this is the perfect example. The whole “breakthrough infections” were subterfuge and diversion to sway us away from the reality that they did not prevent infection and transmission. There is no breakthrough infection, the jab never worked to do what they sold the public it would do.

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This parliament hearing pertained to what pfizer knew when they rolled out the vaccine. If you can dig up video or articles from December 2020-May 2021 that says differently please share them with me. If you have evidence that Pfizer, the government, etc told the public from December 2020-May 2021 that these vaccines had never been trialed for reduced transmission please share it here. I am 99% confident it does not exist and is not the narrative they chose to share back then. I don’t mean to come across as blunt here, but you can’t deny what they said early on. That is what the focus of todays post is about. THe truth finally coming out from PFIZER themselves. Again, if you find the data to support the claim “they always told us it would not stop the spread” please share it. THey definitely did not.

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I don’t disagree with your Aug 2021 CDC stance. The CDC had no choice but to change their stance- amidst the data coming out. The main theme of the post seems to be with the LIES told prior to that. (In order to get this shot rolled out) Several times in this May 2021 video CDC tells how safe and EFFECTIVE the shot was. https://youtu.be/S-2nE6AK1OU- Encouraging more to get the shot. Other problems for me is at no time did any official state “there may be possible complications and you should consult your provider of potential health risks and if the shot is right for you.” Here’s one more video https://youtu.be/MiVIMurQsuY Again they cite Pfizer & Moderna data- but oddly the Moderna data has not been released and well, we know that the Pfizer data released doesn’t line up with the April and May claims from officials on effectiveness.

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Absolutely agree.

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Yes, they sometimes told us the truth after being caught lying. And when we pressed them on this -- asking such basic questions as "If the jab doesn't stop the spread, how does me getting it help the community"? -- they told us to shut up and do it for grandma -- essentially repeating the lie that the jab stopped the spread.

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"for Grandma" - situational ethics on steroids. Not a lawyer, but doesn't prior knowledge of a lie that causes serious injury and death provide a basis for criminal prosecution that would open internal communications, emails? Lead to criminal indictments? Brings to mind Dow Teflon.

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That is 100000% correct. When you have immunity from liability, that immunity is revoked when the immunity was predicated on a lie. Fraud vitiates the immunity clause. The admission by Pfizer yesterday that no, they never tested for transmission during clinical trials yet many talking heads and the CDC, Biden, Walensky, etc TOLD the public that if you get vaccinated you will not kill grandma with covid, with zero trial data to support that, it is the lie that revokes immunity.

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