****BREAKING: The Pfizer President admitted to the EU Parliament that the jabs were never tested in clinical trial for prevention of covid transmission. IT WAS ALL A BIG LIE.
CEO Bourla was supposed to attend but conveniently cancelled his attendance to avoid questions about his under the table financial dealings with the European Commission President.
Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla has pulled out of an appointment to testify before the October 11th European Parliament's special committee on COVID-19, at which he was expected to face tough questions on how secretive vaccine deals were struck. Bourla was in heavy communication behind the scenes with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that preceded a multibillion-euro vaccine contract. (Instead, he sent the Pfizer president and she had plenty to say)
The European Parliament now has some big questions. The European Court of Auditors, found that von der Leyen had been directly involved in preliminary negotiations for the EU's biggest vaccine contract, for up to 1.8 billion doses of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, which was concluded in May 2021. This was a departure from the negotiating procedure followed with other contracts, where a joint negotiating team made up of officials from the Commission and member countries conducted exploratory talks.
Already in 2021, the New York Times reported on the seemingly-cozy relationship between Bourla and von der Leyen, with the two exchanging text messages in the run-up to the deal.
And now he backs out of attending the meetings. Remember, he did “allegedly” test positive for “covid” again this last week, for the 2nd time in 6 weeks. Will that be the reason he gives for not attending this meeting? He clearly has some things to hide and does not want to testify under oath. What kind of back door deals were done? Now much money did Bourla and von de Leyen both personally benefit from with this 1.8 billion vaccine deal?
It should be noted here that Astra Zeneca and Moderna agreed to meet with the EU committee. It is only Pfizer and Bourla who backed out. I wonder who made the MOST money off of the EU injection deal? Was it Pfizer? What questions does Bourla not want to answer?
Bourla is clearly avoiding this meeting. He does not want his corruption exposed, and honestly von der Leyen does not want HER corruption exposed as well. As with all things, what is done in the dark will come to light. Pfizer’s days are numbered. Bourla belongs in prison.
Despite Bourla’s absence, the person who DID attend from Pfizer dropped one hell of a bombshell. When she was questioned by a member of Parliament about whether or not the Pfizer injection had been tested PRIOR to being given to the public to ENSURE that it did indeed stop transmission of the virus, she replied that no, it was not tested, because they “had to move at the speed of science”. WHAT. THE. HELL.
Tucker Carlson interviewed the European Parliament member who questioned the Pfizer president: the 2 minute interview is halfway down this page. https://beckernews.com/european-mp-exposes-pfizer-exec-who-confessed-to-covid-vaccine-fraud-it-has-now-proven-to-be-a-big-lie-47397/
Here is the clip from Twitter, with a EU parliament member discussing what she said.
And a breakdown of that from Dr. Simon, a fierce anti mandate anti-forced vaccine advocate:
And finally. Does the world realize what this Pfizer revelation means? WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO THE WHOLE TIME. They had zero data that showed their injection prevented transmission of covid. ZERO. THEIR LIES led to more lies, how many times did the US Government tell us that if you were vaccinated you would not get the virus or spread it? THEY KNEW IN EARLY 2021 IT WAS A LIE!!!! But they didn’t stop there. They MANDATED THE DAMN INJECTION in September 2021 knowing that it did NOTHING to stop transmission and spread of covid, nor did it stop you from catching covid. How many people died from coercion of the vaccine? How many people got the vaccine because the government, the television, their own damn physician LIED TO THEM? When I said to my patients in early 2021 that we did not have any data about these injections, I was telling them the truth. We did not. All we had were talking heads on tv spouting the same BS over and over again with NO TRIAL DATA TO SUPPORT IT. All the mandates, the loss of jobs, the refusal of entry to a restaurant or another country or a concert…….all of it was based ON A LIE.
I am but one person here, but man I hope that the people in the right places with much more power and authority than I have take these injection companies and bury them, bankrupt them, and hold them responsible. Because their elimination from liability no longer stands when fraud took place. The Pfizer convo with the EU parliament confirmed today that yes, fraud did happen. They lied. How pissed are you right about now? I am big mad. Big Big mad.
Yep. All the actual data showed that the jab didn't stop transmission. The 'experts' certainly knew this when they lied to us all -- I know because I knew, and I'm just some guy who can go to official websites and parse the data shown there.
There was never one single piece of data that showed vaccinated people don't carry the virus, yet that's exactly what Walinkski told us: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/coronavirus/vaccinated-individuals-dont-carry-virus-or-get-sick-cdc/2506677/
“Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people don’t carry the virus, don’t get sick and that it’s not just in clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data,” said Walensky.
Just to repeat -- there was NEVER ANY DATA AT ALL that suggested that. NEVER EVEN ONCE. And that's why they were forced to walk back the claim so soon after it was made -- but the damage was done.
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky had said Tuesday that "vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and that is not just in the clinical trials but it's also in real world data." Her statement was based on a large study the federal health agency released Monday that had tracked newly vaccinated people in the U.S. over 13 weeks to monitor the efficacy of the vaccines in daily life. The CDC followed nearly 4,000 heath care workers, police, firefighters and other essential workers who received one of the two mRNA vaccines between Dec. 14 and March 13 and tested them weekly for COVID-19.
Testing showed that the risk of infection went down by 90% two weeks or more after they received their second dose, and even just one dose was 80% effective after two weeks. Of the 2,479 people in the study who were fully vaccinated, just three contracted COVID-19, which is in line with the vaccine's efficacy. In comparison, the CDC also tracked 994 people who were not vaccinated, and 161 contracted COVID-19. No one in the study died.
Because the majority of the vaccinated people did not test positive for COVID-19 during the 13 weeks, Walensky concluded that they did not carry the virus.
Reducing infection by 90% is not 'vaccinated people don't carry the virus.'
It was a lie and she knew it was a lie when she said it.
Unimaginable money on the table here.
The type that cannot be perceived.
Sloshing around everywhere.