You don't even have to be a conspiracy theorist to figure this one out. A vax that provides nothing positive for the human body, mandated by government entities around the world, censoring and silencing the opposition, destroying records of negative reactions, hiding the origins, military involvement, and brainwashing like never before. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

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My question is this: why do the ones (I won’t say people or humans because I’m not so sure they are) with $$ get to decide EVERYTHING for the rest of society? They like to play God because they have $ they horde when the interest alone could stop world hunger, homelessness etc. yet they sit around & dream up ways to kill the rest of us off. Why don’t they just mind their own damn business & let everyone mind theirs? They need to stop playing with viruses & nuclear weapons & realize life is precious & that humans are so much more than just a “mouth to feed”. They make me sick with their “better than others attitude.” THEY are the problem asTHEY are the ones causing wars, deaths, forced jabs & whatever else their sick selfish minds can think up.

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Crony Capitalists. If we enforced the laws on the books, like Antitrust laws, this would never happen. At some point in time, technology got together with the establishment to get around capitalist laws for complete control. Give em credit, as horrible as they are, they made it happen. We can only hope they took their own vaccines, but that is doubtful.

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Actually WE allowed them to "make it happen." By using the apps like FB, Google, Amazon etc...we made it easy for them. 😕

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Pretty sure I read in the Bill of Rights of our Constitutional Republic something like: "The Government has the enormous responsibility to kill its citizens, now and in the future. Then we can open our borders to dilute the population and bring in generations of new democrat voters in the name of a shrinking population." Ya, that was it. I would say rise up people, but our population is so emasculated, lethargic and apathetic, that I know that will never happen. This is not going to end well. Happy Monday!

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I agree……we need to man up and quick or we are in big big trouble.

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A million plus tried to rise up about "election fraud"...that didn't turn out too well for 1k + SO FAR. Lots of ruined lives. 😒

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Good memories of KC and med school. The journey was sweeter than the destination at least at this moment in time.

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Well, next time I eat BBQ I will have some for you!!!!

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Did y’all see the video of Elon Musk saying the birth rate is lower than ever & if it keeps going like this, the human being will basically end up extinct?

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Yep!!!! If we get to where deaths exceed births……it won’t take long.

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Great post. Sick-minded people. Reimer Fullmich had a great session about technocracy:


I studied at the MIT in the 1980's - Electrical Engineering - I still cannot understand why a person would seek to "augment" a human being. Then again, I'm a God-fearing Christian; I know I am not my own.


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