An old client popped her head in the studio yesterday to say hello. I haven’t seen her in well over a year. She came by to tell me that I was right, which caught me by surprise. She said that everything I told her has turned out to be correct and all the things that I said would happen, are happening. And then she told me about how she’s had covid two more times now, but that she never got another shot, despite the mandate at her law firm. She pursued a medical exemption at my suggestion after tinnitus following her first jab.

This is the first time that this has happened for me- someone actually saying, “You were right.”

And I’ll admit, it felt very validating for a moment...that’s the humanness, I suppose. I’ve had plenty of people call once they get covid and are sick and scared and suddenly are wondering if I can help them get ivermectin and by the way, what vitamins and nose spray did you say I should get? But nobody ever just says, “Hey, you were right. Thank you.”

We have all spent so much time and energy and emotion screaming into the wind...ultimately to save the people we love. And we have been right. Over and over and over again. Only to be ignored over and over and over again. It’s that weird glitch that happens when someone on team jab reaches an inarguable wall and just changes the subject as if they’ve literally heard nothing you have just said - as if the conversation never happened. Cancel culture, the conversation version. I cannot imagine how frustrated Geert VB must be.

Anyway...apologies for the rant here, but this IgG4 thing is heartbreaking. I’ve written a couple of substacks trying the break it down into manageable pieces for anyone willing to read it. But it seems we have perhaps passed the point of it mattering. The implications are not good. Although it appears not everyone is mounting the same concerning immune response, which is encouraging. However I can see evidence of the problem in my day to day experience. Our clients have been really, really sick with covid and “not covid” lately. A lot. Out with what sounds like a bad cold for weeks only to make it in for one session and be out again with what sounds like an immediate relapse.

What isn’t encouraging at all is the cognitive dissonance that appears to be limitless.

How much longer does this go on before the masses wake up? Or is that just a pipe dream?

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The cognitively dissonant will need a very large wake up call to “get it”. The only way some people will ever realize this is if the squawk box called the television tells them it is happening. THey have no interest in scientific data. Ironic, since following the data is what they preached for two years. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I’m a hairdresser and I’ve never had so many people cancelling appointments through sickness, they seem to have it for weeks and just as they’re recovering they get something else.

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YES!!!!! You have a great sampling of people to pull from. All ages, various vaccine status. This week alone, I have two patients who are struggling badly. I am not in the hospital or primary care so I see people in the office because they are physically unwell, they are struggling with mental health. These 2 patients are both 3x covid vaccinated. One caught covid in October and has been sick for 12 weeks. Got over covid with lingering cough, went into bronchitis. Then went into a sinus infection. Running fevers off and on for 12 weeks with no answer why. Several rounds of antibiotics and PCP has “no answers”. They are referred to infectious disease now. The other one was cron boosted and is having serious cardiac issues on top of bizarre additional physical symptoms. NOONE recommended a cardiology consult. I sent them to cards ASAP. I am dealing with more physical health issues than I ever have before with my patients. It all started when the bioweapon dart arrived in 2021.

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Yet they keep pushing this poison and selling this poison without a care in the world.

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In my town I put together a group of about 50 people unvaccinated, when it seemed we were being ostracised from society, and not one of us have had anything more than a couple of days of mild cold symptoms. Says it all really when everyone suffering is vaccinated.

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No doubt the people that were ostracizing you, have all come around and apologized for being so ignorant, shallow and cowardly?

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Exactly. When your immune system has been seriously compromised, you have everything to worry about, not just COVID.

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Yikes. Is there any good news in this like the fact that many fewer people took a third and fourth shot? My husband has a very pessimistic view, saying that he thinks this is species ending...I disagree, but understand that "we" have really done it this time and will bear the costs of this for decades.

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I do think the less vaccines you took the better your chances are…….given that so many lots of vaccines had different ingredients, some were “kill” lots and others much weaker…..I think what we see overall will depend on how many shots someone got, and how lethal the lots were that they got. Sadly, it is a waiting game at this point…….😢

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My partner and I, both unvaxxed, saw fit to take high doses of vit. D during the “pandemic” , which we survived with hardly a sniffle, but of late we seem to be getting one respiratory infection after another, nothing serious though, and with swift recovery.

This seems to correspond with the roll out of the boosters. It certainly seems that there are more respiratory pathogens out there to which we are susceptible. Your explanation seems a very feasible reason for this, causing immune escape of new virus variants, of which we have not as yet built a full immunity too.

So the vaxxed are posing a threat to the unvaxxed. Counterintuitive to the diatribe “get vaxxed to save Granny”!

(We are both grandparents, by the way)

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Thanks Jennifer. I recall reading Dr. Rose's post about the same shift. I look forward to reading part 2. On a side note, is there a book that covers the basics of our immune system, a textbook, that you would recommend for a retired EE? Thanks again. Peace. :-)

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tomorrow will cover what Dr. Rose found……..it is sad stuff isn’t it!!!

Lemme dig on a good text for ya. Sadly half of those are printed with an agenda in mind, but I will find one for you.

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Yes, it is very sad stuff. Thank you Jennifer. I find that the older texts are better. No rush. Peace.

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IPAK EDU has a host of offerings that are reasonably priced addressing lots of areas of interest, including immunology and immune function. There are some stellar instructors offering courses for the springs semester.

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Excellent. Thank you Conspiracy Sarah. Peace.

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I have a shellfish allergy that is severe...would my body response to it be the IGG4?

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A lot of food allergies are primarily IgE mediated responses. They tend to have the severe anaphylaxis reactions versus just intolerance.

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Nothing to see or worry about here. Safe and effective. Imagine being in the 5-shot category and reading this. At what point do you stop denying this and start shitting your pants? Insane all that we have learned about people over the last several years. My two Scottish Terriers have a better grip on reality than half the world's population. Imagine that?

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Data like this has to be seen by big pharma and governmental watchdogs. You have to assume that there is a conspiracy to keep this information under wraps. If true, I can’t imagine what diabolical evil with which we are fighting. I don’t want to believe it. I guess I’m suffering from cognitive dissonance by wanting to believe good and right win out. Thanks for continuing to expose these things.

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Thank you for posting the first clear explanation of the various ig functions.

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