Excellent summary. It wasn’t enough these people died suddenly early they then go to extreme lengths to explain away the cause including slandering the victim. Everyone in his life said he was sober and in a good place. This is much like when fit actor Lance Riddick died suddenly in his home they also claimed coronary artery disease which his wife vehemently refuted. Cases closed, don’t question the authorities or bring it up again.
Thank you for sharing, gonna read it to my daughter with four kids(2 are twins) because she has zero time for the news so I keep her informed. Very interesting!
Thanks, I instinctively knew it was not a Ketamine overdose that the MSM are reporting, so thanks for confirming this. If only the NHS could prescribe Substack to everyone millions of lives would have been saved. Instead the censorship industrial complex made sure most heard nothing about the millions dying worldwide from the CIA bioweapons attack.
You are welcome my friend! Those of us who have worked with Ketamine therapy for patients for several years blew a gasket when we saw they punted the blame to the drug. Ketamine has had some hugely beneficial effects for patients with depression and trauma, and combined with therapy has been a game changer. It has gotten patients off of other psych drugs and stable. Of course they wanna demonize it. The FDA and corrupt pharma and insurance don’t make money off of Ketamine infusions so it falls into the “horse paste” category in the swill of mainstream media. So maddening!
Ketamine is also being used for pain management and to try to get people off opioids. I’ve been dealing with neuropathy for 9 years now and I tried a few ketamine infusions, but sadly with no success. My worker’s comp wouldn’t pay for it, but surprisingly Medicaid did.
The hallucinating effects are just wild. I started questioning whether I was living in a real world and if I actually had 2 dogs waiting for me at home. Just as I was starting to freak out my mom walked by and told me to chill out…she had been dead for 5 years, but her mom voice worked.
The clinic took the risks seriously and I was hooked up to all kinds of monitors and checked frequently to see if I was still breathing. Anything less would be malfeasance IMO.
Brilliant explanation of what happened to Perry. I’m going to share it because more people need to see through the lies.
Somehow the US military industrial complex have been tasked with vaccinating the world! That is as mad as putting them in charge of "peacekeeping". The only guarantee is constant neverending wars all over the world so they can keep raking in their dirty money.
I so appreciate your take as I have extremely limited access to real facts about a story like this. Sad that he will be remembered as a sad druggie instead of possibly being murdered by Big Pharma. I pray he had a good reward in Eternity. He was talented and made us laugh. 👍🏻
Perry was a very talented actor for sure! I loved his sarcastic wit on “Friends” because I tend to be a sarcastic smartass a lot of the time lol. I also loved his role in “Fools Rush In”. He was just funny! I hate the demons he fought, and Hollywood probably took a genuine good human and sucked the life out of him. I am with you friend….I hope Eternity is giving him the most amazing reward. ❤️
I do not mean to sound insensitive ... but his advocating for a substance he knows nothing about was just plain stupid. Jennifer, it is funny how over night everybody became an MD or Clinical Researcher ... only they didn't. They blurted out the talking points of the elite globalists like fools. In the end, those talking points may well do them in, as in the case of MP. No worries Mathew, other fools will cover up the real cause of your death, and all the other fools will remain silent. That is the way it is nowadays. RIP.
Journalism has sadly become so dishonest. Truth is the victim in all of this. What is truth? That question was asked 2000 years ago by Pontius Pilate and it is as tarnished today as it was then by the same kind of people. Dishonest, self serving, power hungry and evil. Thanks for taking your oath seriously and speaking the truth. Matthew Perry deserves that much. For what ever demons he dealt with, he truly tried to turn his life around and was succeeding. Forced to take an experimental product, he paid the ultimate price. Will truth ever return? Your guess is as good as mine.
Excellent summary. It wasn’t enough these people died suddenly early they then go to extreme lengths to explain away the cause including slandering the victim. Everyone in his life said he was sober and in a good place. This is much like when fit actor Lance Riddick died suddenly in his home they also claimed coronary artery disease which his wife vehemently refuted. Cases closed, don’t question the authorities or bring it up again.
Thank you for sharing, gonna read it to my daughter with four kids(2 are twins) because she has zero time for the news so I keep her informed. Very interesting!
Bless her heart!!! She is a busy busy mama!!!!! Enjoy those grands my friend!! ❤️
Thanks, I instinctively knew it was not a Ketamine overdose that the MSM are reporting, so thanks for confirming this. If only the NHS could prescribe Substack to everyone millions of lives would have been saved. Instead the censorship industrial complex made sure most heard nothing about the millions dying worldwide from the CIA bioweapons attack.
You are welcome my friend! Those of us who have worked with Ketamine therapy for patients for several years blew a gasket when we saw they punted the blame to the drug. Ketamine has had some hugely beneficial effects for patients with depression and trauma, and combined with therapy has been a game changer. It has gotten patients off of other psych drugs and stable. Of course they wanna demonize it. The FDA and corrupt pharma and insurance don’t make money off of Ketamine infusions so it falls into the “horse paste” category in the swill of mainstream media. So maddening!
Ketamine is also being used for pain management and to try to get people off opioids. I’ve been dealing with neuropathy for 9 years now and I tried a few ketamine infusions, but sadly with no success. My worker’s comp wouldn’t pay for it, but surprisingly Medicaid did.
The hallucinating effects are just wild. I started questioning whether I was living in a real world and if I actually had 2 dogs waiting for me at home. Just as I was starting to freak out my mom walked by and told me to chill out…she had been dead for 5 years, but her mom voice worked.
The clinic took the risks seriously and I was hooked up to all kinds of monitors and checked frequently to see if I was still breathing. Anything less would be malfeasance IMO.
Brilliant explanation of what happened to Perry. I’m going to share it because more people need to see through the lies.
Somehow the US military industrial complex have been tasked with vaccinating the world! That is as mad as putting them in charge of "peacekeeping". The only guarantee is constant neverending wars all over the world so they can keep raking in their dirty money.
I so appreciate your take as I have extremely limited access to real facts about a story like this. Sad that he will be remembered as a sad druggie instead of possibly being murdered by Big Pharma. I pray he had a good reward in Eternity. He was talented and made us laugh. 👍🏻
Perry was a very talented actor for sure! I loved his sarcastic wit on “Friends” because I tend to be a sarcastic smartass a lot of the time lol. I also loved his role in “Fools Rush In”. He was just funny! I hate the demons he fought, and Hollywood probably took a genuine good human and sucked the life out of him. I am with you friend….I hope Eternity is giving him the most amazing reward. ❤️
Vax cover-up.
I do not mean to sound insensitive ... but his advocating for a substance he knows nothing about was just plain stupid. Jennifer, it is funny how over night everybody became an MD or Clinical Researcher ... only they didn't. They blurted out the talking points of the elite globalists like fools. In the end, those talking points may well do them in, as in the case of MP. No worries Mathew, other fools will cover up the real cause of your death, and all the other fools will remain silent. That is the way it is nowadays. RIP.
Journalism has sadly become so dishonest. Truth is the victim in all of this. What is truth? That question was asked 2000 years ago by Pontius Pilate and it is as tarnished today as it was then by the same kind of people. Dishonest, self serving, power hungry and evil. Thanks for taking your oath seriously and speaking the truth. Matthew Perry deserves that much. For what ever demons he dealt with, he truly tried to turn his life around and was succeeding. Forced to take an experimental product, he paid the ultimate price. Will truth ever return? Your guess is as good as mine.
Well done.