This article is actually frustrating to read.
Let’s go back to the sudden death of Matthew Perry. The headlines from the “MSM” said that no foul play was indicated, no drugs were found in the house, and cause of death was cardiac, based on a 911 call that he had a heart attack.
The above article was released last weekend. It is NOW being reported that “loose pills” were found in his house, he had evidence of coronary artery disease, and that trace amounts of Ketamine were found in his system. Buprenorphine (Suboxone) was also found in his system. They went on to discuss how Ketamine was an abused party drug in the 90’s due to its hallucinogenic properties, it is a “horse tranquilizer” (gee reminds me of horse paste), and demonized the drug.
Let’s put a little perspective into all of this. First off, “loose pills” found around a house sounds like a diversion. They know what those pills are at this point. If it was something nefarious, they would have said what they were. Because if you come into my house in the morning, you will find a pile of “loose pills” on my kitchen counter. Because I set my meds out the night before. What are those “loose pills”? They are Quercetin, Vitamin D, and sometimes Ibuprofen. Hardly nefarious or dangerous here. But they could be labeled as “loose pills”. As in, not in a labeled pill bottle. But that “loose pill” tagline set the tone for where they want this article to go, which is “drugs killed him”.
Second point of perspective: they clearly state that Perry was undergoing Ketamine treatment for depression. They even knew his last infusion was 10 days prior to his death. Ketamine has emerged as one of the biggest treatments for depression, especially among those who don’t want to be a slave to the SSRI/psych med game. There is an FDA approved version of Esketamine, which is the metabolite of Ketamine, and it is sold as Spravato. It is a nasal spray, done in the clinic, with the treatment goal of treating depression. In Europe, Ketamine infusions have been done for years for the treatment of depression. In the US, infusions are not FDA approved, but they are not illegal to do. Many clinics offer Ketamine infusions for patients, the big hurdle is insurance won’t cover it. It is cash pay only. Other clinics offer Ketamine in the form of a troche, which is an oral dissolvable version of Ketamine. Infusion via IV ketamine, troche pill form ketamine, AND the FDA approved version known as Spravato all require a prescription, the nasal spray is made by big pharma, the infusions and the troche’s are made by a compound pharmacy. Do people abuse “special K” on the streets? Probably. Matthew Perry wasn’t going to raves and dropping special K. He was under the care of a clinic doing IV infusions in a controlled dosing environment. I can promise you, his ketamine infusion from 10 days prior to his death had NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS DEATH.
Third point of perspective: he was also positive for Buprenorphine, AKA Suboxone. What does this tell me? He was very much in recovery and sober. Patients with opiate addictions frequently use Suboxone to stay “sober” from opiates. Suboxone is a partial agonist on the mu opiate receptor site in the body. It partially “occupies” the receptor site to prevent withdrawal and cravings for opiates. As an extra protective agent, Suboxone also has naloxone in it, so if a person is taking Suboxone and decides to use an opiate such as Fentanyl or Heroin, the Naloxone reverses the action of the opiate and it will not have any effect in the body to get high or accidentally overdose. I have a lot of Suboxone patients, and it has shown to be a most useful tool in harm reduction for opiate abuse. If Matthew Perry had relapsed, they would not have found Suboxone in his system. He woulda stopped using his Suboxone and gone back to his opiate of choice, and would have tested positive for that.
The casually mention his coronary artery disease and drowning as causes of his death…..the reason the demonized the above medications is because they want you to think his prescription medications caused this, not the “unmentionable arm dart” that Perry highly advocated for, sold pro-vaccine t-shirts for, etc. While we do not know what the cause was of his coronary artery disease, let’s be real. Many people have CAD. And live productive lives with it. That in and of itself is not a guaranteed death sentence at age 55. Higher risk, yes. But I wonder what would happen if someone has CAD and has had 5 covid vaccines on top of that? Why was drowning listed as cause of death? Because whatever went to hell in a hand basket with is cardiovascular system happened quite quickly, he lost consciousness in his hot tub, and he went under water. It wasn’t his Ketamine. It wasn’t his Suboxone. They want to destroy his memory and blame drugs rather than just tell the truth. I would rather they say “we don’t know why he had a sudden cardiac event” than drag his name through the mud for treating his mental health and maintaining his sobriety. I wish someone did a hisopathological autopsy of his heart and looked for spike proteins. Or maybe tell us more about his cardiac autopsy results. That would tell the story.
Rest well Matthew Perry. Some of us won’t fall for their bullshit narrative.
Excellent summary. It wasn’t enough these people died suddenly early they then go to extreme lengths to explain away the cause including slandering the victim. Everyone in his life said he was sober and in a good place. This is much like when fit actor Lance Riddick died suddenly in his home they also claimed coronary artery disease which his wife vehemently refuted. Cases closed, don’t question the authorities or bring it up again.
Thank you for sharing, gonna read it to my daughter with four kids(2 are twins) because she has zero time for the news so I keep her informed. Very interesting!