Insurance and Medicare should not cover any of this. it should be considered cosmetic elective surgery and be fully funded by the recipient (every aspect of it). I’m sick and tired of seeing our company insurance premiums go up 10%+ a year and the deductible often increases $500 and the new added features are things like additional transgender care. You would end a lot of this nonsense if the people were responsible for funding it themselves.

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Insurance, Big Pharma and the current government are all part of what we call the Deep State. You would think insurance would never cover this but it is part of a much larger picture that see's billions of dollars shifted around. There is plenty for all. Unfortunately, that is coming to a screeching halt. We have to be careful that the cheat does not come in future elections, that is the only way they can get their precious power back to continue their campaign of destruction.

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Wholeheartedly agree.

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Excellent news. Any politician that authorises the transition of children should be sacked and then sued until they scream.

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they should be de-sacked (if male,) preferably without anaesthetic so they scream.

if female they should have dual mastectomy, again without anaesthetic.

leave the kids alone.

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TY for your time in updating us on this important issue. Perhaps this will follow in other states? What do you or others think 🤔?

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Remember that the Left projects whatever malevolence they are engaged in on the Right. The "War On Women" has been waged by the Left from day one. The transgender movement is really all about the hatred of women. The language the Left uses is a dead give away. First off, they can't even refer to women as women. They have to place a modifier like "Non-Transgender" (Thanks NY Times!) in front of woman. Not only is this an aggressive attempt to demean woman, it is also repetitively redundant. As for the other appellations I have seen used (I can't bring myself to type them let alone say them), there is no way to mistake the hostile intent. Given that the Left hates women, the transgender movement makes perfect sense in a round about sort of way. On one hand they get actual women to mutilate their bodies and ruin ANY chance of participating in the future of the human species. Then they encourage Leftist XY persons (I can't call them "men") to likewise mutilate their bodies and ruin ANY chance of participating in the future of the human species. Then they encourage the mutilated XY persons to insert themselves into highly visible traditional all female venues. Title XI was a brilliant prelude to this. Establish women's sports so that castrated men could then seek attention there! Genius! The Left has always depended on the intellectually negligible attention seeker to advance their cause. The transgender movement is no exception. Pay for it yourself after you reach the age of majority. And the Left wants us dead.

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I would go one step further.

What an adult does with their body after 18 using THEIR OWN MONEY is different than what the whackos insist now, i.e. they want US to pay for their insanity!

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Yeah!!! Go MO!!

Please read pages 1-3 of this PDF file. That's the template for other State AGs to start (Red states of course - the Blues are still in depopulation mode and Woke regardless of the harm done to innocent minor children. The Woke elite medical centers will have a bonanza with all the out-of-state referrals by unethical doctors.

A little harsh comment but it's about time this Trans agenda house of cards (jokers?) fell under its own weight.

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Way, way, way past time.

Their support is and always has been AstroTurf and has always been about using OUR money to pay for THEIR predilections.

Break the OPM (pronounced 'opium') dependency!

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