Wow. I recall my brother getting his "booster" for covid and the flu shot on the same day! I am obviously un-jabbed and have never received a flu shot. Why? Because it is 100% bullshit. Seniors are the people who should AVOID this crap the most! Look at how many of our seniors were murdered by the covid gene-therapy trash shots. Crimes Against Humanity. Imagine the clueless "doctors", injecting this rubbish into innocent people, thinking that they are actually helping them. Run, don't walk, away from everything that the Pharma industry offers. It's stupidity on steroids. Peace.

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It doesn’t get straighter later.

I’ve always applied that logic to sewing and woodworking.

It seems to apply here as well.


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I had the same reaction when I read this with some “experts” saying take all three at once, safe and effective. Admittedly mostly that recommendation is because they fear you might not get them all if you have multiple vaccine appointments. It is reckless and I can only hope a lot of people don’t fall for this. Also I saw an article, the RSV scare is all based on modeling. When they reviewed actual death certificates for a period of years there were only about 40 that included any mention of RSV. It seems they know this is reckless too by adding a caveat that those over 60 should work with their doctor to determine if the RSV shot is for you. So when this goes off the rails who gets the blame?!

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I'm saving this post. Great job, Jennifer. This "tripledemic" nonsense needs to be stopped. Sharing and restacking this post rises to the level of a public duty (once someone edits the numerous quotation marks that appear to be a bit disjointed to this reader).

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I think there is some hope and your message and the message of others who bravely speak out is somehow getting through if the Daily Mail comments are anything to go by - mainly the responses to 'Get ready to roll your sleeves up for ANOTHER winter jab! are - 'no thanks'


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My two cents on the RSV vax: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/use-of-will-and-validated-now-subject

Use of "Will" and "Validated" now subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially - RSV Vaccine. Classified as "forward-looking statements" in which investors are cautioned not to place considerable reliance on

Also, while I'm here, my latest drop:

Democratic leaders seemingly unified on striking the words "with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons." - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/democratic-leaders-seemingly-support

Thank you for your work!

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Good luck ... the sheep will continue doing what they are doing until if finally kills them. Just be glad that you can think independently. "godsend" ... another criminal MD in the pocket of big pharma. How many young people will take this poison, who are at a zero statistical risk? How many old people will seal their fate by listening and not thinking?

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Great article once again Jennifer. In the end, we just have to tell the truth and HOPE people can discern the truth for themselves. Unfortunately, we can’t fix stupid

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The only truly deadly tripledemic in the world today is the government-globalist-global-corporations cabal. Those are the only viruses that concern me.

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Amen!!!! 👍🏻

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I have a friend that took the covid jabs because most of those that died from covid had comorbidities. He has comorbidities. Therefore, the vaccines were right for him.

You should have seen the look on his face when I pointed out that those who die from all causes have comorbidities. Unhealthy people die, there is no vaccine for that.

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This is anecdotal, but I am in the hospital and it’s the only time I watch commercial television and there is a new scare-mercial making the rounds that starts out happy showing us fifty and sixty something’s with our active lifestyles devolve into a flatline due to RSV.

If RSV is so dangerous, how come I have only heard about it in the last two years? It feels like the healthcare institutions are pathologizing normal life I. The same way psychiatry syndromizes the stresses of life.

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Big Pharma pushing of these ‘cures’ on any ‘virus’ that moves has shown me the truth about their corruption like nothing else. At least their insane over-reach and greed is finally waking people like me up. Thanks be to God above I never took a jab!! I’ll never take another!!!! I was blind, but now I see!!!

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The risk reward for the vaccine never aligned with the danger it presented. We see now the hypochondriac class emerging as the legacy of the fear mongering over the last three years. Who can blame them? They need to rationalize masking and jabs and so they hold onto the idea that the virus is insidious and continues to harm us.

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The “three pronged defense against a tripledemic” = HORSE SHIT

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A few months ago Fauci admitted that no vaccine given in the arm could target respiratory viruses and only ones that are inhaled through the nose would work. How many people knew that for decades?

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Jennifer, have you seen this news story making the rounds across media? I find it highly suspect. Is it a gross drink? Yes. Is the story hyped for a purpose? Probably. Another new way to blame youths myocarditis on anything but the real cause. https://nypost.com/2023/07/10/logan-pauls-prime-energy-drink-puts-kids-hearts-at-risk-experts/

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Cynicism is good for the soul. Thank you, Jennifer Brown, you are my heroine (or am I simply being overly misogynistic?--lol).

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