Remember last winter, the “trusted news initiative” yammered incessantly about how many people were catching RSV? “Umprecedented numbers” of RSV according to the fear monger television box. Do you think that was designed to prime your brain to take “extra precautions” this coming flu season? Of course it was.
Just like every other respiratory virus, YOU CANNOT VACCINATE YOUR WAY OUT OF IT. I feel like I am beating a dead horse when discussing how flu and covid vaccines do nothing to stop respiratory virus mortality whatsoever. But they always prime the vaccine pump a year ahead of whatever devils juice they plan to pimp out next year. “Deploy the RSV scare tactic winter 2022 so we can sell them this new jab next year”.
And here it is. We are about 2.5 months away from the full on frontal assault of “time to get your annual flu vaccine”. September - March is “flu shot season”. But this year, they have a SPECIAL new shot regimen ready for the masses.
It is the “three pronged defense against a tripledemic”!!! Ooohhhhh sounds scary doesn’t it?! “To prevent a repeat of last winter’s “tripledemic” of respiratory illnesses, Americans will be encouraged to roll up their sleeves not just for flu shots but for two other vaccines, one of them entirely new. Federal health officials have already asked manufacturers to produce reformulated Covid vaccines to be distributed later this year. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took an additional step, endorsing two new vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus for older Americans. The three shots — flu, Covid and R.S.V. — may help to reduce hospitalizations and deaths later this year. But there are uncertainties about how the vaccines are best administered, who is most likely to benefit, and what the risks may be.”
“For older and immunocompromised Americans, all three vaccines are a “godsend,” said Dr. Ofer Levy, director of the precision vaccines program at Boston Children’s Hospital and an adviser to the Food and Drug Administration. “The number of elders who die of viral infection every winter in our intensive care units, and also sometimes in the summer, is large — it’s in the tens of thousands of individuals,” Dr. Levy said. “Each of these vaccines is a huge win.” (Note my dry heaving by this point in the article and I probably should grab the barf bag cause dinner is definitely coming back up).
“The vast majority of people at risk for illness and death following infections with these viruses are those 75 and older. In that group, the benefit from each of the vaccines clearly outweighs any safety concerns, Dr. Kotton and other experts said. Up to 85 percent of flu-related deaths in recent years were among those age 65 and older, according to the C.D.C. The agency recommends that older adults get a high-dose flu vaccine or one with an adjuvant, an ingredient that can produce a stronger immune response. Oh wait what’s that?!? An adjuvant that can produce a stronger immune response? Does anyone from the CDC want to throw down about the dangers of the adjuvants themselves? The aluminum and whatnot? I would be pretty leery of this vaccine. Very very leery.
“Hospitalizations and deaths from Covid also occur primarily in the oldest Americans, and Covid boosters are now thought to be beneficial primarily for older adults and people with weakened immune systems. In June, the F.D.A. advised Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Novavax to manufacture Covid shots designed to target XBB.1.5, the Omicron variant that accounts for roughly 27 percent of cases. That variant seems to be receding, however, and a newer variant, XBB.1.16, is on the upswing.” Oh so they already admit that their precious covid boosters are for a waning variant so they need to make yet another one for the newest new new variant? I cannot even with this.
“Although flu and other vaccines carry a small risk of the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome, those numbers generally are on the order of one or two cases per million. Evaluating the new R.S.V. vaccines, the manufacturers each reported three neurological cases, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, within 42 days of vaccination in a population of about 40,000 people.” Here is where they admit there could be problems with the vaccine, but their hidden cherry picked data won’t show it is that big of a deal. The truth will come out AFTER the vaccine rolls out………they admit that down below:
“Still, the trials were not large enough to determine whether those cases occurred by chance or were caused by the vaccines. “That information really can’t be obtained until post licensure and post recommendation and rollout,” said Dr. Helen Chu, a physician and immunologist at the University of Washington.” Well there you have it. We really don’t know the efficacy until we roll it out to everyone. HORSE SHIT.
This article really has my hair standing on end. Because people READ this and BELIEVE it!!!!!! I can only pray people walk away from this triple crown vaccine event and just say no!!!
Wow. I recall my brother getting his "booster" for covid and the flu shot on the same day! I am obviously un-jabbed and have never received a flu shot. Why? Because it is 100% bullshit. Seniors are the people who should AVOID this crap the most! Look at how many of our seniors were murdered by the covid gene-therapy trash shots. Crimes Against Humanity. Imagine the clueless "doctors", injecting this rubbish into innocent people, thinking that they are actually helping them. Run, don't walk, away from everything that the Pharma industry offers. It's stupidity on steroids. Peace.
It doesn’t get straighter later.
I’ve always applied that logic to sewing and woodworking.
It seems to apply here as well.