It was Spring & Fall of 2020. Our son finished up college online & missed his graduation. After 4 years of hard work & three worthless degrees. The whole college thing is a scam! And we’ll be paying for it for years to come. Big mistake.

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Remember when it happened live.


Remember it was the big colleges with the biggest endowments who refused refunds.

Totally Predictable.

And now each one will quietly do the same as pressure mounts.

Keep it up, students!

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What the colleges and universities did is just the tip of the iceberg. What about the K-12 students who were kept at home with minimal busy work? From what I saw, there was very little learning going on. But the NEA was happy. Those children lost an entire formative year. We will see the result of this in years to come. I seriously doubt it will be a boon to society.

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On. the other hand...shouldn't colleges and universities also be sued for offering BS degrees and villifying any form of critical thinking? I think part of the fallout from this will be that in lieu of colleges shutting down, students did continue to learn, and learn things well simply online, with material not offered by the institutions themselves. If I was a college kid, back in 2020, I might have simply started a meetup, focused on topics that I was interested in that might be monetized, and create my own course work based upon it.

Then you have Skillshare and other online platforms that also share valuable knowledge online.

Whie I think the college experience is important, it's not like it is novel and cannot be properly gotten from other sources. And maybe this is one of the good unintended consequences of "The Great Reset."

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After years of hard work and expensive tuitions some online courses, our grandson received his diploma in the mail no graduation ceremonies. College is a scam mainly a place to park your kid and buy a ticket to a professional employment track. Find the best state university program that has the least amount of brainwashing for the first four years. The campus where free expression of views is valued far more than disturbing the “comfort” of your kid’s sensitivities.

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Or maybe, find a way to show that a person did the requisite work required for their profession. It doesn't have to be college. Let's say they want to be an architect, show that they did the required work and find out what is needed to get them to be certified to create residences or commercial buildings.

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