Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown

Sadly, I look back over the 42 years spent in primary care and now realize that the vaccine industry was patently dishonest in promoting vaccine safety. Having read "Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Myths and Science", I now know that there were really no safety studies done to assess the long term adverse reactions to the vaccines and long term sequelae especially when given in mass at the same visit. We were always told that it was absolutely safe to administer multiple vaccines at one time. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would definitely adopt a safer vaccine regiment. I would adopt the vaccine schedule as outlined by Dr. Paul Thomas. It appears to have far less vaccines spread over 18 years. (https://www.integrativepediatricsonline.com/uploads/1/0/9/2/109222957/the_vaccine-friendly_plan.pdf).

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That is the sad part……the medical industrial complex literally educated us that all of this was ok. Every textbook, pharma leaflet, continuing ed class……ALL OF IT proclaimed the safety of vaccines. Why would we not believe it?

I remember when Wakefield’s article came out, and it was so heavily debunked as false lies and he was ripped to shreds, I remember thinking “but what if he is right, and a powerful group of people want to shut him up”. I used to ridicule people who didn’t vax their kids. I truly believed what I had been taught. I am embarrassed and ashamed that I believed it. But on the flip side, there was very little truthful information out there to learn the dangers! I have apologized to many for not knowing then what I know now, and we just do better moving forward. We have all had to re-learn and un-learn so many things. Sadly, too many colleagues still have their heads buried in the sand.

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Excellent. Every parent and would be parents should enlarge these charts and put them on their fridge.

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Jan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown

Shared with all my friends on school Boards and who are fighting the school systems here in VA

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Jan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown

28 vaccines by 15 months makes more criminals millionaires and more criminal millionaires, billionaires. Let's not forget there is a cushy board seat available to most of the HHS A$$holes who come up with this crap. Remember your baby is just a peasant that really was born to serve the elite globalists. Long live the WHO.

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The WHO should be sent to the River Stix on a hypersonic missile!

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Jan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown

Who would let a big pharma owned puppet politician have more right over your body than you?

If you don't have the right over your own body, you have no rights.

You are a God-created and sovereign being.

Your rights come from God, not a corporation.

See also:


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Jan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown

Holy Smokes! When I was in the Air Force I was an aircrew member on cargo aircraft. We were worldwide deployable at a moment's notice. Often I was sent to some "garden spot" halfway around the globe with 12 hours notice or less. We had what was then considered a lengthy list of immunizations we had to keep current. I was always going to the shot clinic to get poked with something or other. Our list was rather short compared to what kids have to endure these days. Yikes. I'm certain that some of the more exotic vaccinations we received are having a negative impact on my health today. Even the VA agrees. Normally they deny responsibility for everything. The good news is I never came down with the exotic diseases I was vaccinated against. Always looking for an upside.

My son and daughter-in-law actually listened to me before their first child and carefully considered each vaccination before having their daughter jabbed. They have had to jump through some hoops because of their choices, but all in all it is a benefit for my granddaughter.

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Jan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown

It's horrible. And my daughter just told me she got a flu vx and her BF got a DTaP in order to be allowed by his brother to see his newborn niece. I just want to scream.

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when my kids were first subjected to public school here in Missouri, we were still allowed philosophical exemptions.

well before medical martial law was declared in 2020, the right was removed and they switched to religious exemption only. I still filed for exemption and just pretend we have a religion.

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deletedJan 5Liked by Jennifer Brown
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Your story is so powerful!!!!! What they did to you…….🤬🤬🤬

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