Above, you will see the link for each states protocol for religious exemptions, if they allow a philosophical exemption, and any pending legislation that is currently ongoing related to vaccines. Shame on Missouri’s pending HB, that they have to notify parents if their child is in school with an unvaxxed child. Ridiculous. I hope that tanks and never sees the light of day again.
The following is the CDC vaccine schedule for BABIES.
By my math, this is potentially 28 vaccines by the age of 15 months. This is absolutely ludicrous. Two month and four month old vaccines are just appallingly scary. We are pumping these babies full of crap with zero testing done.
At the end of the day, YOU ARE THE PARENT. You decide what is best for your child. Do your homework and decide of any of these are truly necessary. The CDC and your pediatrician can blather on and on about what THEY say you should do, but the decision is YOURS.
Study up on all of these vaccines. Share what you find with those who have young children. Encourage people to do their homework before willingly handing over an infant for multiple injections. God save these babies.
Sadly, I look back over the 42 years spent in primary care and now realize that the vaccine industry was patently dishonest in promoting vaccine safety. Having read "Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Myths and Science", I now know that there were really no safety studies done to assess the long term adverse reactions to the vaccines and long term sequelae especially when given in mass at the same visit. We were always told that it was absolutely safe to administer multiple vaccines at one time. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would definitely adopt a safer vaccine regiment. I would adopt the vaccine schedule as outlined by Dr. Paul Thomas. It appears to have far less vaccines spread over 18 years. (
Excellent. Every parent and would be parents should enlarge these charts and put them on their fridge.