One more comment. When, in any flu season prior to covid, did you take a flu shot then go grocery shopping and pat yourself on the back because you were saving the world? Or when in your pre- covid life did you go grocery shopping and wonder if the guy next to you had a flu shot? Never, is the answer. When I took a vaccine it was for MY protection. This notion that l am doing it for my neighbor is pure unadulterated bullshit.

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THIS!!!! When I was hospital based, we flu shotted to……wait for it…….”prevent” staff from catching flu from patients in the hospital with the flu. Not to protect grandma and my neighbors or anyone else. Just to protect yourself.

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AMEN, sister!!! Joe Rogan read this little gem on his recent podcast with Bret Weinstein. Here's the link if you haven't listened to it already:


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Oohhhh thank you for reminding me I need to watch this!!! ❤️

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I always appreciate Bret Weinstein's take on everything...and quite honestly, Joe Rogan's as well --> This statement to be filed under (along with many others over the past 3 years):

Shit I never thought I'd say🤣

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Shit on our bingo card for 2023 that we never imagined before 😂😂😂

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The Twitter post was a fake and Joe edited it out of his podcast? https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/joe-rogan-podcast-vaccination-tweet-hoax

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Hmmm...I definitely listened to him talk about it when I heard this episode. If that's the case, then it happened after I heard it🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yes, I think Joe had addressed it, read the post, discussed with Bret, but then learned that it was a hoax or an adulterated post (not sure how that would happen..?)

Seems everything needs double and triple-checking these days.

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Is it sad that I wonder if the cover up story is the truth or if the original tweet was the truth?

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No! Sad that we have reached a point where trust in anything has been lost. How do we believe anything outta the gate, as it were, at this point?

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Maybe she wants people to think it's a hoax?

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Because she couldn't take all the blowback?

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It's possible. Seems anything is possible these days.

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Jennifer, you are so speaking the truth! Why would you not take the COVID vaccine out of hate? Is it to catch COVID and have severe disease, die, or possibly wind up with long COVID? To me it sounds like if you choose to not take the jab, it is done out of precaution and doubt about it’s efficacy and safety. It’s an experimental vaccine at this point. Even if I chose to take it, I would never take a chance with my children. Dr. Natalia needs to rethink her opinion. Thanks again for exposing the lies and misinformation.

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Dr. Natalia reminds us that the self-righteous are not into self-reflection.

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I do not apologize for recognizing the fraud in early 2020, when my uninformed neighbors were donning face diapers.

I do not apologize for flying in the middle of "covid" without a face diaper ( in the middle of the night, from Hawaii to Boston, flight attendants too scared to walk around - people with actual cannister-type respirators and shields on the plane )

I do not apologize for stocking up on HCQ and IVM early on and distributing it to family and friends.

I do not apologize for being a critical thinker.

I do not apologize for not falling for marxist garbage "philosophy"

I do not apologize for NEVER going to "doctors"

I do not apologize for NEVER using anything made by "big pharma".

I do not apologize for not reading/watching anything from "mainstream media"

Love your neighbor as thyself.


PS - The "doc" has some serious issues going on; may God bless her.

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Yeah this doc may need a visit in my office as a patient. 😎

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100% Peace

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"Dr. Natalia's" comments are idiotic on multiple levels. Especially the part about "anti-vaxxers" and hate. I must be a hateful guy since I opted not to inject myself with an unknown, unproven, rushed-to-market product for a virus with a 99.85% survival rate - and after I already had covid and was asymptomatic, and therefore have natural immunity.

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Only goes to prove that the ability to pass a test does not necessarily prove ultimate intelligence... ie: “E quotient”.

Maybe an important difference between real humanity and AI? Just my thoughts.

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That was exactly my train of thought.

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How many unvaxxed did she effectively kill in the ICU. Her stats can be subpoenaed no?

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The stats should be subpoenaed…….. I bet her level of care towards unvaxxed was deplorable.

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Did it ever occur to you the “ anti-vax-ers did it because they were smart enough to know that one’s enemy does NOT have their best interest at heart? That’s why you’re asleep and I’m truly sorry that you and so many others have had to prove that ignorance it NOT BLISS. But go ahead and white wash yourself.

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I meant this comment for the ICU MD, not the author of this article. I apologize for the out burst before I realized that the author was commenting on her statement. Thx!

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All good friend I read that exactly as you intended it to be! You nailed it!

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Couldn’t agree more. Trying to have an intelligent and instructive conversation with my former peers is impossible. The narrative is so inculcated in them you couldn’t pry it out with a crow bar. This doctor, sadly, has her head completely up her ass and is condescending and dead ass wrong. Like you, l didn’t take the vaccine. I refused it to protect me, and my family and to follow the truth wherever it took me.

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".... out of hate ..."? How about antivaxxers did not get jabbed because of intelligence and the ability to critically think and not fall under the mass formation of the weak minded. What gum ball machine did her MD come from? Then she took her little tweet down ... coward as well, cannot stand behind her own stupid words. She needs a few more boosters.

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the jab affected her ability to think.....how pompous and totally hateful !

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Wow. This “loving” woman sounds hate-filled and angry to me.

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What happened to "First do no harm"? By standing up for the lie, even if it kills her, she is denouncing her oath. Sorry excuse for a physician.

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I have heard the post was not authentic. The mindset is still thriving though. I’m going between wanting to laugh and cry the way we are attacked for questioning death by “ vaccine “ daily when we were forced to disclose our status a year ago to go to a restaurant or social gathering.

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Yes I was reading a reply above that it may have been “altered”……..and if it was, and this person did not say this…….I agree with you that there are plenty out there who think and believe in this way in healthcare.

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Natalia does the progressive jedi mind trick of deeming/equating disagreement and saying no to THEIR dictates with HATE.

We are on to their game and are not playing anymore.

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Virtue signalling unto death.

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