Dr. Natalia is an ICU physician. She put this little gem up on Twitter on New Years Day. She has since removed this post, AND locked down her Twitter, so it can only be seen by people who she approves to follow her. This post got a lot of blowback. For good reason.
This is where I tell the covid amnesty crowd to go pound sand. “I got vaccinated out of love, while antivaxxers did everything out of hate”. That is a filthy lie. I do not know one SINGLE person who chose to not covid vaccinate that did it out of hate. They did it out of love for themselves, love for their family, love for their kids. Physicians like this numb skull are why we are where we are. She literally would rather be vaccinated and DEAD than say “oops, maybe we made a mistake here and the vaccines did not do what they said they would”. Depending on how you interpret her words, she is partially admitting that the science of the vaccines being deadly may indeed be true but damn it to hell, I stand firm in my decision to do it even if it kills me. There is no regrets here!
Wow. How disconnected from reality and cognitively dissonant do you have to be to post something like this?
God Speed Dr. Natalia. There will be a special place for you in the court of accountability someday, as I am sure you pressured many people into a vaccine. I would also speculate that you did not treat the unvaxxed very kindly when they were patients in your ICU. This is why people hate healthcare providers and do not trust us. Can’t say I blame them when they read stuff like this.
One more comment. When, in any flu season prior to covid, did you take a flu shot then go grocery shopping and pat yourself on the back because you were saving the world? Or when in your pre- covid life did you go grocery shopping and wonder if the guy next to you had a flu shot? Never, is the answer. When I took a vaccine it was for MY protection. This notion that l am doing it for my neighbor is pure unadulterated bullshit.
AMEN, sister!!! Joe Rogan read this little gem on his recent podcast with Bret Weinstein. Here's the link if you haven't listened to it already: