The shot mandates were neither the first nor the last step in the Orwellian madness that engulfed us. It began with "flattening the curve" by hiding in our homes. Then the "mostly peaceful protests" sacked and burned the city where I lived. The partners at my firm were instructed by the our corporate clients to condemn the police, endorse the criminals burning the city outside our office windows, and contribute money to the con artists so they could buy more explosives to continue reducing the city to rubble. My partners exposed themselves as greedy cowards and followed orders, so after 30 years of working with these people I turned my back and never spoke to them again. I now live in a small town far away from the crime-infested hellhole of homelessness and drug addiction that my once-beautiful city became because of these cowards. The shot mandates were just a culmination of the mass psychosis that consumed so many people. The rubble of the cities and the bodies of dead vax victims are a powerful testament of the moral corruption of the people who sold their souls to the corporations and government agencies for money. As long as the same people are in power there is nothing to stop them from doing this again. The same greedy corrupt people will carry out whatever madness they are ordered to do in the name of "anti-racism" or "anti-facism" or "saving democracy" or "protecting free speech." Forgiveness is not OK because they are not sorry and are just waiting to do it again.

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You said a mouth full. Good for you. You hit every nail on the head.

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Waiting to do it again...how true...human nature does not change....those that were born a dog don't die a cat.

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I appreciate your candor & honesty sharing your awful experience being bullied to have an untested, badly manufactured, injection of filth to keep your position in the practice.

Full kudos to you for standing up like a lion to those weak spineless bullies, but I have say, if that had happened to me, I would never trust those treacherous creeps ever again - once someone shows their true (ugly) colours, I can never trust them again so your more forgiving than I could ever be.

I hope those same ignorant colleagues have seen the recent news that experts are expecting Pfizer to go bankrupt due to the volume of legal claims headed there way which they could never afford to pay out.

Also experts are saying Google & Facebook will be next to get sued for dileberately withholding the terrible truth from the public due to their involvement in the whole stinking scam.

I relish hearing more on these the new developments & maybe that vile swine Albert Bourla, no better than the Animals he mass culled under the foot & mouth scam will get some just desserts for his greed & lies.

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You are absolutely right. My trust has been irretrievably broken. I will never have the same “pre coercion” level of trust that I had previously.

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Same. I take nothing at face value any more, and suppose I am better off for it, although some days it is rather exhausting.

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I am the CEO of my company, we never pressured anybody into taking an experimental medicine that we knew nothing about. Your coworkers are the worst of the worst. We are a clinical research company and could not predict just how bad these vaccines were. The idea that idiots who know nothing about you or a medicine, were insisting you take it. Like I said the worst of the worst. Never put yourself in a position to depend on these cowards. They tried the same on my 20 year old daughter at UNR. I got her an exemption based on fetal tissue used to create the "vaccine". You're right, never forget. My son was forced to take the vaccine by the military, which is a whole different subject. Military cowards and complete incompetents at the top. The grunts are expendable. Sounds like the attitude the brass had back during Vietnam. How did that work out?

As far as the picture of the losers with the signs ... the dark side of me hopes they got all their boosters and their immune systems are done ... then the common cold kills them. More cowards.

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Thanks for sharing your story. A lot of us unvaccinated had to navigate that insanity and make tough choices and sacrifices to stay unvaccinated. I know many people that had their families torn apart that year. People refusing to see unvaccinated family members or worse preventing them from seeing grandchildren etc. The damage is still there for many of them. I also know several people that bent to the pressure and just got the vaccine that have a lot of resentment. I always tried to keep in mind at the time that we’d get through it and it couldn’t be like that forever. My main fear is I think it could easily happen again. And there are still many mandates in place. Also many vaccinated that regret it default to saying well you just made the right guess not to get it. No, there was no science that showed it was safe or effective and there was no reason for most of us with low risk to take that chance. If they can’t figure that out they are likely to fall right back in line next time.

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The tearing apart of families was so tragic. I had a few unvaccinated patients and their kids refused to let them see their grandkids for holidays and birthdays!!!!! It broke those poor grandparents hearts. On the flip side, I had other patients who refused to let their unvaxxed kids come visit. I tried to encourage freedom of thought and letting people choose, and they were NOT having NONE of that!

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"I just calmly stood my ground and made sure I had my legal T’s crossed if I was threatened to vaccinate again. I never was. It was once only. Judged from here to hell and back, but I have broad shoulders and I can handle it." - Damn right!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing just that!! Never ever comply with moral cowards. Your example is absolutely perfect! Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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Dr Brown: thank you for your intelligence and bravery and how you approached this ugly situation. I caved to peer pressure and got the J and J vaccine and suffered health consequences from it that almost cost me my life (long story). I have not had any vaccines since except for what probably was in the 2 units of blood I was given in hospital due to my requiring surgery due to the effects of the vaccine.

This whole vax fiasco showed how quickly we can lose our personal freedoms.

Jennifer: Thanks for being strong, independent and outspoken on this terrible disaster that was Covid and the vax.

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Bless you friend! I am so sorry they got you with the pressure. I know SO MANY people in your situation. People like you are why I decided to speak out in 2022. ❤️

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Thank you for speaking out! Also your patients are very lucky to have such a caring doctor!!

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My favorite line of your essay: "they calmed down and told me to not make any rash decisions"

When 'they' thought they had the upper hand, they were out to mercilessly destroy us - our lives, our livelihoods, families, everything. Once they realized we were right and they were wrong, they immediately did not apologize, they simply wished to move on by informing us they would not tolerate any ridicule for anything in the past. How magnanimous of them.


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Met my second person today who lost full use of his legs after the C- shot.

This one was cane and braces, the other uses a walker. Both were in good health before.

Interestingly, both have a great attitude and positive outlook on life.

The permanent effects began almost immediately; with progressive weakness in the legs.

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I’m pretty sure that by the time Biden did his mandate Pfizer had already told the world that they never tested the jabs to see if they blocked infection or transmission.

I’m also sure that if I was still working at the hospital I would have been fired for not getting jabbed because I spent the year before fighting not to get the flu shot because I had a horrible reaction to it the year before. I kept telling the lady in charge of the flu shot how it had affected me, but she just kept blowing me off and never recorded it. The flu shot should never have been mandated for hospital workers either. That negated body autonomy and the Nuremberg code. How come people didn’t fight that?

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I’m still fighting a legal battle with my former employer who denied my religious exemption and fired me. The evil in this needs to continually be exposed, thank you for your article.

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As an NP at a federal tertiary VA, I too was mandated to vaccinate. There are two NPs in our particular surgical service. I COULD retire, but hadn’t planned to. I filed for religious exemption which was granted. The other NP did the same. They knew that could not lose us both. As a team, we were a much stronger force to deal with.

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100%! Power in numbers!!! You two fighting together protected you both! ❤️

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My hope is for worldview shifting that will change beliefs and behaviors. Maybe the pick-up truck Americans deserve a second-look?

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I will never forget or forgive the SCUM who wanted me dead because I did not comply in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 or 2024.

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You are lucky! In Canada, religious exemptions were not accepted for government employees who were mandated to get vaxxed. Any employees who got fired for refusing the vax, were not allowed to collect unemployment insurance, even though they'd paid into the system! Since doctors in Canada are not allowed to bill patients directly for services covered by socialized medicine, they were pretty much forced to get the vaccine, or lose their income completely.

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Couple of thoughts.

First, the exemption thing has never sat well with me. I am sure I could have gotten a medical exemption for wearing a mask, but what about anyone else who was completely healthy and didn't want to mask? The thing is, the right to liberty is in the Constitution, and that is really the only "exemption" needed. Besides, the great thing is, you could just identify as "vaccinated." If men can identify as women, can't unvaccinated identify as vaccinated?

Second, when I saw the mandate talk, I never thought it would end with me taking the vaccine. I am an employee of one. If Georgia had gone down the mandate hole, I would have just stopped patronizing the places that demanded it, or I would have seen how serious they were about enforcing the rules.

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Excellent summary of the madness and moral corruption of the last 3 years.

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