How far we have come in 2 years: the vaxxed wanted us dead and CNN wanted us locked in our houses.
If you follow Dr. Simon Goddek on X, he gives a daily reminder post for how the unvaxxed were treated. He is worth the follow.
Here was 2 years ago:
I remember two years ago very vividly. I was very candid and honest with my partners at work that I was not vaccinated and I had no plans to do so. Never did I ever think it would be a big deal. When the person allegedly running this country stood on television on 9-9-2021 and gave the “vax mandate” speech, I knew that the shit was about to hit the fan. I was on vacation on the “mandate speech day” celebrating our wedding anniversary. We were finishing a Harley trip through all of the New England states, we were headed back west to come home, and we were standing in our hotel in Ohio watching the speech on TV. I told my husband “this is gonna get ugly real fast”. I ran through the tally in my head of the forced mandate groups. I did not work for a company of 100+, so safe there. I did not work for a company that was funded by CMS, so safe there. When we got home, I scoured the mandate literature and it appeared that none of those stipulations applied to me. I sighed in relief.
I returned to work on September 13th. The next day, on the 14th, I was called in by a colleague and asked if I heard the mandate news. Yes, I had. I was told that I needed to go get vaccinated. I calmly said no way, I am not getting it. My colleague got angry, and said that CMS was mandating I get it. I said I had read through the mandated groups and our office did not apply to any of those groups. They told me I needed to go read it again because they did apply to us. They got angry again and told me that they would not change our office to accommodate me. “Just go get the J&J, its not that big of a deal”. I stood my ground and said it is a big deal, because I don’t want this vaccine and I am not getting it. I was again informed that they would not accommodate my unvaccinated stance because it would cost the practice too much money. I informed them that I would never expect them to accommodate me and if my unvaxxed status was a problem, I would gladly take my patients and move my practice elsewhere. At that point they did a quick calculation of what me leaving would cost them financially and in on call coverage, and they calmed down and told me to not make any rash decisions. I remained very calm and collected but inside my blood was boiling.
At this point, because all of us providers are independent contractors, I consulted with legal members who were pro-choice on the vaccine, and obtained a fantastic vaccine exemption scaffold. I went to work digging as much information as I could on the HEK fetal line cells in the vaccines, with clinical documentation. I had EEOC documentation about violation of my title 7 religious rights. It was a 5 page document to religiously exempt myself, my LLC, and my practice within our practice. I even printed off the Omnibus mandate literature that clearly showed our practice was under no obligation to vaccinate. To this day, that packet of paperwork still sits in my desk. I gave that same exemption to pharma reps, nurses, healthcare workers, students, insurance company employees, friends, etc for them to use to exempt themselves. Everyone who used that exemption form and submitted it to their employer had a religious exemption granted to them.
I spent the next 4 months being treated as the Typhoid Mary of my office. No one spoke to me, we all previously had a fun rapport and dialogue. If I traveled, I was told I had to test “negative” to come in to work in case I was an “asymptomatic spreader”. Then I caught covid. I was forced to test negative before I could return to work, despite the CDC dropping that requirement months earlier. I was finally treated like an equal again when the fully vaxxed in my office caught covid later in the year. Several of them have had covid a few times, while I had it only once. Nowadays, the vaccine is never mentioned, and hasn’t been since the fully vaxxed colleagues caught covid over a year ago. A stupid damn shot damn near ripped our office apart. The only reason it didn’t was I flat out refused to leave and move my practice elsewhere. I also refused to cave to their demands. I just calmly stood my ground and made sure I had my legal T’s crossed if I was threatened to vaccinate again. I never was. It was once only. Judged from here to hell and back, but I have broad shoulders and I can handle it.
We talk about “never forget” a lot on here. I will never forget how I was treated. I never made an issue of it, and I treat all of them exactly the same way I did before the covid shot tried to make me the bad guy, the evil one who failed to “save grandma” and follow their ideology. I am happy to say that we made it back to how we were before covid happened. I have never received an apology for how I was treated. I won’t ever get one. I believe in their hearts they know what they did to me was wrong. Pride won’t allow a mea culpa for it, and that is ok. I know in my heart that my decision was the right one, and I think they all know that I made the right choice too, even if they will not admit that to me.
The difference that 2 years makes. Never forget. Go follow Dr. Goddek. He holds feet to the fire.
The shot mandates were neither the first nor the last step in the Orwellian madness that engulfed us. It began with "flattening the curve" by hiding in our homes. Then the "mostly peaceful protests" sacked and burned the city where I lived. The partners at my firm were instructed by the our corporate clients to condemn the police, endorse the criminals burning the city outside our office windows, and contribute money to the con artists so they could buy more explosives to continue reducing the city to rubble. My partners exposed themselves as greedy cowards and followed orders, so after 30 years of working with these people I turned my back and never spoke to them again. I now live in a small town far away from the crime-infested hellhole of homelessness and drug addiction that my once-beautiful city became because of these cowards. The shot mandates were just a culmination of the mass psychosis that consumed so many people. The rubble of the cities and the bodies of dead vax victims are a powerful testament of the moral corruption of the people who sold their souls to the corporations and government agencies for money. As long as the same people are in power there is nothing to stop them from doing this again. The same greedy corrupt people will carry out whatever madness they are ordered to do in the name of "anti-racism" or "anti-facism" or "saving democracy" or "protecting free speech." Forgiveness is not OK because they are not sorry and are just waiting to do it again.
I appreciate your candor & honesty sharing your awful experience being bullied to have an untested, badly manufactured, injection of filth to keep your position in the practice.
Full kudos to you for standing up like a lion to those weak spineless bullies, but I have say, if that had happened to me, I would never trust those treacherous creeps ever again - once someone shows their true (ugly) colours, I can never trust them again so your more forgiving than I could ever be.
I hope those same ignorant colleagues have seen the recent news that experts are expecting Pfizer to go bankrupt due to the volume of legal claims headed there way which they could never afford to pay out.
Also experts are saying Google & Facebook will be next to get sued for dileberately withholding the terrible truth from the public due to their involvement in the whole stinking scam.
I relish hearing more on these the new developments & maybe that vile swine Albert Bourla, no better than the Animals he mass culled under the foot & mouth scam will get some just desserts for his greed & lies.