There is another score too overseen by the Human Rights Campaign which is the largest LBGT+ lobbying group called the Corporate Equality Index / CEI score. Companies *voluntarily* submit information to get a score. Ironically Warren Buffet’s company has a zero because he refuses to submit any information. The HRC threatens the companies with a reduction in score when they don’t comply. The stockholders are the big losers. A lot of retirement accounts are invested in these participating companies. At least it is finally getting attention and push back and you can see a lot of pride disappearing or being minimized after the Target, Bud Light debacle. Target had one of the highest CEI scores but now they are losing points trying to compromise on their pride displays.

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Excellent article. I just read that Tesla earned 37 points on their ESG scorecard while Philip Morris, the tobacco giant, and wokest of all, posted a score of 84.

Buying Twitter comes at a price...

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I would wager the TPTB that sit on each other's corporate boards of directors are laughing all the way to the bank as they make billions shorting their stocks as they intentionally drive their companies into the ditch to pick the hard assets later for ten cents on the dollar.

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“…activist groups would have NO POWER whatsoever if it weren’t for the unprecedented backing they receive from governments, non-profits, think-tanks and the corporate world.”

Amen. So true. Wonderful and relevant article as always

And let’s not forget the media. The Propaganda Press i.e. unConstitutional and illegal lying media are the most powerful tool in the Globalists’ bag of black magic tricks. We do not have a free press, we do not have truthful journalism, we do not have free expression of differing ideas. We have a powerful uncConstitutional unelected 4th branch of government. Rising against and boycotting the Propaganda Press seems a necessary focal point of our battle.

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Excellent post! Thanks Jennifer. It's been in the works for a long, long time. It is truly living a lie. For a great read that explains how it all started, see Diana West's "American Betrayal" - an amazing book that sets the record straight. Diana's blog is at DianaWest.net. Couple that with Bonhoeffer's famous essay on stupidity and you pretty much understand how and why we got to where we are. THE key point is the work crowd actually think that they are their own - they do not believe in God. Trust Jesus. Peace.

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This is why we need to subscribe to companies like Mammoth Nation. Exclusive American and veteran owned businesses. https://mammothnation.com/

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Face it, there is just way too much freedom going on out there. We in the Midwest of the USA tend to think that the world enjoys the freedoms and liberty we take for granted. The fact is that those who believe in the divine right of kings are still out there and do not want to give up power. That's why The Founders were always talking about fighting for freedom. That whole blood watering the tree of liberty thing. The American Revolution was an aberrant event in human history. The natural order is to have some warlord / king ruling over the short, brutish lives of the peasants. As Ben Franklin said on the topic of the new US government, "A Republic, if you can keep it." Well, can we keep it?

I fought the Cold War (does anyone even remember that?) to keep it. The threat was real. The assault on the US did not even pause when the Communists fell. The divine right of kings crowd just switched over to the environmental movement and now they are in the normalization of deviancy movement.

The total destruction of the global economy and the collapse of civilization suits them just fine. They would rather rule over serfs living in mud huts than live among free people.

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The woke mind virus won't go away on its own and has to be actively destroyed. Everyone needs an action plan to cancel wokeism. Stop watching any woke movies or TV shows, cancel corporate media that publish propaganda instead of truth, boycott brands that push perversion, remove children from public schools, do not waste money on once elite but now corrupt universities that preach the woke religion. The simple power of telling woke maniacs they are wrong is helpful but can be dangerous because they are often emotionally unstable. You may even have to move to a non-woke place. I relocated from a woke dystopia to a normal place and life is so much better away from the woke culture of death, decadence, crime, drugs, sickness, and madness.

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Good article. They are supporting these woke culture moves with our hard earned tax payer dollars too!!! These people are twisted!

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Thanks Jennifer.

All part of the Demonic plan. Most go broke. The Blackrock or its many fronts buy at knock down price.

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ESG, Pride, CRT you name it - just stands there naked with the penises exposed in girls locker rooms in front of young teenage girls and say "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? I DARE YOU TO TRY!!!" Push, push push... in your face. It is great to see some methods of fighting back are working. No more Bud light - it sucks anyway, Target & Kohls - screw them, there are plenty of places to buy clothes, Professional leagues keep pushing pride s-hit and the public is boycotting them - just shut-up and play ball. We are sick of it...

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"ESG is not going away on its own."

But it IS going to zero :)

Edit: Remember, Sri Lanka had an EXCELLENT ESG score right up until the people revolted because they were starving.

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Thanks Jennifer excellent commentary. On Twitter today we see that the Fox News management is pushing Woke on their employees, as are almost all large corporations. Ramaswamy's book, 'Woke Inc.' is the textbook on this topic. Hope he has a loud voice in the post-neocon Republican Party

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Global corporations like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan-Chase and others are betting on their ESG/Climate/Woke strategies paying off down the road.

They're playing the long game, willing to trade short term losses for enormous long term rewards - financially and politically. And they could very well win if the majority of people continue being oblivious as to what's going on politically.

That's why these corporations seem to be unfazed by the heavy stock value declines as a result of public protests and boycotts. These companies just don't care, they have a long term strategy they believe will pay off, and and they won't deviate from that.

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