There’s no limit to their evil. None of this is for public health. It is for profits and population control. What sick and evil people. Pray and pray unceasingly.
It's all about control. The "plan" won't work without them being able to control you, so that's what they'll get to work on. Once they control you, it doesn't matter if there's a pandemic or not.
Event 201 primed the pump for the Plandemonium we've just survived. The last of many shaping activities that positioned the board pieces where they needed to be. National Pandemic plans were massively changed in the previous 10 years, informed by these events.
This one is priming the 'vote' for the WHO takeover early next year.
The Global Pandemic Treaty.
For the Greater Good(TM). Legally binding. National sovereignty handed over to Bill Gates and his acolytes. Satan Klaus and his pack of predators.
Not for personal autonomy. Individual freedom. Or any of that quaint stuff.
This is naked authoritarianism, clad in transparent faux-virtue.
The activity will nudge all involved as they negotiate, remind them of the 'risk' of not acting, and following on the heels of the 'successful' suspension of individual freedoms in the Plandemonium, it is a short hop indeed to the final solution.
If and when it gets passed we can look forward to the digital control grid as the jackboot, and an endless array of MRNA jabs to remain a member of society.
Agenda 2030. The UN SDGs.
This is the mechanism they use to get us to comply with their nightmare vision for humanity.
The bridge to their utopia and our dystopia.
Buckle up, everyone. Things are going to get rough.
Additional Note: This is also out in the information environment as we have kids in various nations suffering strange illnesses and deaths. With more to come as trashed immune systems from MRNA bioweapons poisoning leave people of all ages vulnerable. Each element of the psychopathic orchestra slots in with each piece before it and after it, crafting a seamless tune of democide.
And belated thanks for the update on this ominous event, Jennifer.
There’s no limit to their evil. None of this is for public health. It is for profits and population control. What sick and evil people. Pray and pray unceasingly.
Excellent summary of these planned and executed operations.
It's all about control. The "plan" won't work without them being able to control you, so that's what they'll get to work on. Once they control you, it doesn't matter if there's a pandemic or not.
Correct. I hope this time around, less people decide to go with the plan!!!!
Indeed. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Event 201 primed the pump for the Plandemonium we've just survived. The last of many shaping activities that positioned the board pieces where they needed to be. National Pandemic plans were massively changed in the previous 10 years, informed by these events.
This one is priming the 'vote' for the WHO takeover early next year.
The Global Pandemic Treaty.
For the Greater Good(TM). Legally binding. National sovereignty handed over to Bill Gates and his acolytes. Satan Klaus and his pack of predators.
Not for personal autonomy. Individual freedom. Or any of that quaint stuff.
This is naked authoritarianism, clad in transparent faux-virtue.
The activity will nudge all involved as they negotiate, remind them of the 'risk' of not acting, and following on the heels of the 'successful' suspension of individual freedoms in the Plandemonium, it is a short hop indeed to the final solution.
If and when it gets passed we can look forward to the digital control grid as the jackboot, and an endless array of MRNA jabs to remain a member of society.
Agenda 2030. The UN SDGs.
This is the mechanism they use to get us to comply with their nightmare vision for humanity.
The bridge to their utopia and our dystopia.
Buckle up, everyone. Things are going to get rough.
Additional Note: This is also out in the information environment as we have kids in various nations suffering strange illnesses and deaths. With more to come as trashed immune systems from MRNA bioweapons poisoning leave people of all ages vulnerable. Each element of the psychopathic orchestra slots in with each piece before it and after it, crafting a seamless tune of democide.
And belated thanks for the update on this ominous event, Jennifer.