Gates and the gang are at it again…..Why did they have a “Catastrophic Contagion” round table simulation in October 2022???
Well well well. The WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and John Hopkins are at it again with their “death simulation projects”. Remember, Agenda 201, October 2019, simulated the covid pandemic as a false but possible scenario, only to have it unfold in real time a few months later? Well……they have done it again.
“The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.”
Affecting the children and young people huh? Remember this key point: they ALWAYS tell us what they are going to do before they do it. Agenda 201 showed that. Same group of people are spearheading this newest shenanigan. Is this a scare tactic for when the covid fear porn runs out? Will they launch this new pandemic? Who knows. I would definitely keep it on the radar screen because I trust this clan of money making fear zealots zero.
Here is the 2 minute YouTube video from this simulation.
Cliff notes below:
I love the “this is a fictional scenario” disclaimer.
They are assuming that in “2025”, this emerging “pandemic” could occur:
They discuss how quickly this could spread. But my favorite quotes are the following:
“Pandemics are inherently political, financial, and so much broader….”
“There is no substitute for National Leadership”
“Communication is key with scientists, but also with social and political leaders”
“Trust is an essential issue.”
“The WHO needs to be a voice for the voice-less”
The video closes out with a fear propaganda of “billions infected” and “millions dead” and the “countries who fared the best had preparedness and readiness and worked for the greater good”.
Will something like this ever come to fruition? Who knows. We didn’t think Agenda 201 was real, and then 3 months later it came barging through the door like the Kool-aid man. I would definitely keep this on your radar screen.
There’s no limit to their evil. None of this is for public health. It is for profits and population control. What sick and evil people. Pray and pray unceasingly.
Excellent summary of these planned and executed operations.