You could also display that chart with "Medical Industrial Complex $$$$$" as the X axis. Cancer is lucrative and depopulation will save the world from itself.

Gates is smiling😂

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That is indeed scary. The numbers are bad enough but the chart is awful. 😳

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I would not expect any acknowledgment any time soon. Put Bobby in charge of this. Imagine the fear the machine has if Trump gets elected. All their hard work is immediately in jeopardy. If he appoints Bobby to HHS boss, holy shit. The cheat will be on. Look at Jennifer's last post. The dead are rising up to vote for democrats.

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The dead ALWAYS rise up to vote for the dumbocraps.

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This syncs up with my anecdotal observations. I know more people now with cancer than at any other time in my life. I know, it might be an age thing and at first I attributed it to that. But the folks I know don't just have a single cancer, they have multiple cancers. Their cancer has cancer and it is everywhere in their bodies. Thus far I have been spared, not sure how that worked out but I'll take it for as long as it lasts. I did absorb some bodacious REMs in my misspent youth. I wish everyone here (and beyond) the very best of luck with this. Oh, and they want us dead!

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Shocking!! A friend of mine who has been battling cancer for the last ten years has been jabbed 7 times, following doctor’s orders 😵‍💫, I don’t know how she’s still alive!

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Maybe the cancer killed the toxins in the experimental injection?

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Just lost another close family member, this time to a sudden-onset, fast-growing terminal cancer, Jennifer, and the rapid and sudden death counts are growing all 'round. Can't say I didn't anticipate living in deep sorrow for a long time, when this whole panicked and hysterical thing began, but I truly didn't think that I'd wonder how many of my dead loved ones were killed by a corrupt regime's totalitarianism.

We mourn, and then we dry our tears and become resolute. Our dead may be quickly cremated and the evidence one way or the other, buried or scattered to the four winds, but that doesn't mean we all just kick them to the curb and forget.

No Amnesty

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We say "no amnesty" as if we can give them no quarter. The sad thing is they are the ones deciding for themselves to give themselves amnesty or not. "We've done a self diagnostic and find ourselves to be error free."

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The mill of justice turns very slowly, but it grinds exceedingly fine.

Patience and resolve, Jimmy, unrelenting and remorseless. The numbers of those they wantonly kill are increasing every day. Be not deceived into thinking that all who bestow lawful justice are amnesiac. The law will deal with enough of them as the truth becomes impossible to conceal.

Some are wicked, a few evil. Most were cowards who betrayed themselves as much as those they have harmed. A coward's fate may not always be a penalty under law, but it is dire nonetheless; an inner hell from which there is no escape.

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One needs only to read the weekly prayer list at my church that is emailed out every week. The list of people fighting cancer seems to get longer and longer. Sad, scary, and tragic what the ramifications of trusting the medical establishment really are.

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I'm 71, so not in that younger group, but the C came on after the two vaxxes. And SOC is just as horrible. Now I've developed a rectovaginal fistula. Either I'll die from C or I'll die from sepsis. I turned down most SOC, so I've been in good shape until this fistula. Two and a half years in with Stage IV CRC.

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