It didn’t help that they allowed untold millions into this country, many that travelled through the Darien Gap, where drug resistant TB was rampant. Hardly shocking this is the result, some TB outbreaks and of course people with their immune system knocked into the dirt are going to be at higher risk.

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Biden's term merely accelerated the trend. This has been growing slowly for years.

When infectious disease screening was discontinued for immigrants, the dam was breached.

Then AIDS allowed new pathways, beginning in 1980s and continuing, remember how during Covid lockdowns the big "party" continued unmolested (*intended*) in Spain?

And now this.

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Can you imagine the amount of evil these Globalist have looking at United States as the most successful country-shining light on the hill. Then, there is all the poverty stricken countries who can't run their countries. The globalist dump these people into the US..why? to tear us down. Is is just a Marxist plan to destroy the United States? And why was the Biden Administration suckered into this so easily?

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The Harris/Biden Administration was founded on the Marxist plan to destroy the United States. It is telling that Harris’ first campaign promise was to nationalize the food supply. A go to tactic of Marxist regimes everywhere. Her second campaign promise was to crater the economy by turning every asset into a liability in an instant. A Marxist move if ever there was one. I stopped listening after that. The Harris/Biden Administration and all of their supporters want us dead.

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Biden was a tool.

His love of money blinded him to anything else.

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My son contracted TB years ago. Entire classrooms of kids tested positive and required treatment. Many of us parents had questions. Finally, at a contentious School Board meeting, it was admitted that some recent immigrant kids known to test positive for TB had been placed in this elementary school. Of course there was no notice to the families of children already attending the school. That would not have been considerate. My son endured the antibiotics for over a year and was pronounced TB free. That the city health department chose to place contagious kids in an elementary school with no notice is exactly the sort of thing the “Woke” Left loves to do. Spreading the suffering makes them feel virtuous. I’m certain any uptick in TB cases is due to unscreened, thus untreated active TB cases released into unsuspecting populations. They have no remorse for trying to kill us and our children.

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In 1987, the State of California required me to pass a TB screen in order to obtain a teaching position.

The nurse administering told me it was because of all the "boat" people.

Funny, all the years of being a city bus driver, they never tested me for anything.

I think those in positions of power knew exactly what they were doing and where they were doing it - remember, all "those people" were on lots of "free" stuff.

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I wish someone had stats where all the illegal immigrants settled at this point in time and what kind of accommodations have been given to them.

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I guarantee they have those stats.

Just like my comment to Duct Tape, pretty much all those people were on public assistance, which means doctor visits, child inoculations, etc.

The records are there, but just like all bureaucracies, if you don't know where to look, you'll never find them.

Wonder if that's why they pushed for HIPAA so hard?

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Reading this paper, I wanted to scream: ARE WE REALLY THIS STUPID!!!!!!

I was born in 1957. Thankfully, my mother missed Thalidomide, but we were given the polio treatment, the smallpox shot and God only knows what else we either were injected with or inhaled over the years (we were outside San Francisco).

Once, I witnessed a jet cruising overhead at low altitude discharging something. The news assured us it was nothing...

As an avid fan of science fiction, I have read/seen quite a few scenarios where a doctor in search of a cure created a cure that inadvertently caused an epidemic which either did, or almost, destroyed everyone and everything.

And those were the good guys.

These are interesting to explore in FICTION, but the fact that we now CAN is not only appalling, but the fact that scientists ARE is even more horrifying.

Our society attempted to mollify the public with the Nuremburg Trials, but it seems the real mad scientists merely went underground and have been funded and supported all these years.

In recent years, we have seen the madness pop up with alarming frequency, and with the rise of independent media via the internet which they tried hard and are still trying hard to suppress, are seeing not just the shadows, but the almost real-time data of the players.

Bill Gates and his ilk have said for a long time that there are too many on this planet. I gave him about as much credit as the intelligentsia have given the tin-foil hat crowd, but always kept one eye on him, as he has even given TED talks on the subject, so as to keep up.

Beginning with Swine Flu, and then with Covid, both eyes and the other half of my brain have been increasingly used to pay attention.

We are further in the doo-doo than any of us realize, and papers like this are merely the echo of the bomb which has already infected many, and possibly all of us.

These mad dogs hate everything good and will not stop until the end - and we know the ending.

May God have mercy on us all.

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The media is the number one source of virus and pandemic. If they didn't spread it, it wouldn't be such a problem, fear mongering is their specialty, and it's ramping up quick. Everywhere you look they're telling you what to be afraid of, and how to think.

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Real Cause of Seasonal Flu & Pandemics (TB is a reaction to a toxin - in this case, vaxx-induced))

Detox Triggered by EMF, Toxic Injections, and Environmental Toxins


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Totally agree……and excellent read! 🥳

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