Do we really have a TB outbreak in Kansas? Or is the Covid shot activating latent TB virus??
A few weeks ago, the fear porn machine was cranked up to high alerting that TB cases were at an all time high in Kansas, particularly in Wyandotte County (Kansas City Kansas). All told this was like 70-ish cases. In a city of over 2 million people, 70 cases is not a high number.
But then THIS article came out. Cases of patients with latent TB (non infectious and not sick) that are becoming active TB cases due to the covid vaccine reactivating that disease. It should not be a big shocker, as we know people have had flares of shingles, herpes zoster, and other dormant viruses after covid vaccines. Many people have been exposed to TB and have what is referred to as “latent” TB and don’t even know they have it. Same with herpes virus. But when a vaccine whacks out your immune system that kept that virus in dormant status, the virus re-activates.
It didn’t help that they allowed untold millions into this country, many that travelled through the Darien Gap, where drug resistant TB was rampant. Hardly shocking this is the result, some TB outbreaks and of course people with their immune system knocked into the dirt are going to be at higher risk.
Can you imagine the amount of evil these Globalist have looking at United States as the most successful country-shining light on the hill. Then, there is all the poverty stricken countries who can't run their countries. The globalist dump these people into the US..why? to tear us down. Is is just a Marxist plan to destroy the United States? And why was the Biden Administration suckered into this so easily?