Did we end up covid vaccinating people right into a blood vessel instead of the muscle? Did the bolus of vaccine going into the blood supply increase the harm and danger?
Today’s post is brought to you by Marc Girardot’s substack article. This is fantastic read!!!
What is the bolus theory? Is is the theory that something from a syringe, injected via needle into a human being, is not meant to go into the blood supply. It is meant to go into tissue. The only time we bolus something is when you have an IV in and that product is intended to go INTO the blood supply. To support the bolus theory, a few examples are given:
What he is laying out here is that whenever we do an injection, we need to penetrate the skin with the needle, then we NEED to pull back on the syringe plunger and note if any blood comes into the syringe. If blood comes into the syringe, you are in blood supply and you pull needle out, and go in again and check for blood return. The goal is to never inject into blood supply because it causes that substance to go into the blood supply where it is NOT intended to go. (This is also basic nursing 101 where you are taught first semester to always aspirate when giving an injection).
What Marc is hypothesizing here is that with the covid vaccines, needle aspiration was not always done, and we bolused the vaccine into blood supply. Makes sense, and I can’t compellingly argue this did not happen. I watched numerous “televised vaccinations” and aspiration was not performed the majority of the time.
The deltoid muscle where most vaccines go is heavy in blood supply. There are large vessels superior and inferior, and there are numerous small vessels in between. Failure to aspirate puts the patient at high risk for blood bolus of whatever you are giving them.
Here is the cascade of effects from an accidental bolus into the blood supply:
He outlines the 5 main drivers that cause an adverse event from accidentally bolusing something in a syringe and needle into the blood supply:
The concentration and dose of what is given via the syringe and needle
The needle going into the wrong place (blood supply)
What drug was given, as some are designed to be released slowly and if it goes into the blood supply, it is hitting the body at a much faster rate than it is supposed to. (Rapid push versus slow push from the syringe to the body)
When something such as the covid vaccine goes into blood supply, the entire vascular system is rapidly exposed to endothelial damage from the contents of the covid vaccine (endothelial damage, vessel damage, etc)
The PEG coating on lipid nanoparticles is designed to slowly disappear but when it goes into the blood supply, the PEG breaks down faster and there is a rapid acceleration of the vaccine contents going into the blood supply.
So if you had a higher dosed vaccine such as Moderna or Astra Zeneca:
The concentration of mRNA particles is much higher in dose and concentration……and it went as a bolus into your blood supply……..
Here is the cascade of effects that can happen.
I encourage you to read his entire substack and give him a follow. He has done some fantastic research. At the end of the day, why did we put billions of covid vaccines into people and fail to aspirate a needle 100% of the time no exception? That is a question many will have to answer to someday.
There is actually a mouse study on injecting the mrna into the blood. The results were exactly what we are seeing in humans. Ironically, I sent this warning to the CMO of the state of Nevada over a year ago. To send out a bulletin to all sites to pull back on the syringe and check for blood. Guess what? They never did anything. But really, who cares what the vaccines do? We just want to inject as many people as possible. That makes Pfizer rich and much of that money comes back to our campaign funds (politicians), advertising funds (MSM), and billionaire club funds (worthless pharma CEOs). Some humans are really despicable.
Thank you. It's an interesting theory. I watched him participate in a roundtable discussion with Matthew Crawford: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/rte-roundtable-talk-18-nanoparticle
I think the bolus theory has some merit, but it does not account for the horrific deaths and injury we are seeing at scale. The mRNA technology is flawed. It has always been a train wreck waiting to happen; it's based on monetary return, NOT human health. It's obvious at this stage that the shots and the patented spike protein are a bioweapon. It's also obvious that the DOD is running the shot-show, not the FDA or the CDC. Some heroes understand this fact, like Dr. McCoulough, others, like Steve Kirsch, do not understand it or acknowledge it. It is a complete waste of time to appeal to the FDA or CDC - they are powerless, by law, to do anything about the tragedy taking place right now. Marc's work, while excellent, is not the main reason we are where we are. The shots are toxic - they were designed to harm.
May God bless you and continue to guide you.