How many of you have heard of Bob Snow? Bob is a commercial pilot for American Airlines. He has flown commercially for decades. Experienced and dedicated pilot. He was forced to take the covid vaccine or he would have lost his job per the American Airlines vaccine mandate. Last winter, he landed his commercial American Airlines aircraft in Dallas, and minutes later after landing he went into cardiac arrest. He required CPR and a defibrillator to bring him back to life. He spent some time in the ICU recovering, and fortunately survived. The fact he went into cardiac arrest on the aircraft probably saved his life, as they have a defibrillator onboard.
Your writings are excellent Jennifer. All good points and ignored in this dystopian world we’re living in. And driving? Yes, vaccidents are happening everywhere and too ignored. Keep up the good work. Thank you
Your writings are excellent Jennifer. All good points and ignored in this dystopian world we’re living in. And driving? Yes, vaccidents are happening everywhere and too ignored. Keep up the good work. Thank you
Thank you for the kind words!!! ❤️