Bob Snow: the American pilot who was forced to get a covid vaccine, and nearly died shortly after he landed a commercial airliner.
How many of you have heard of Bob Snow? Bob is a commercial pilot for American Airlines. He has flown commercially for decades. Experienced and dedicated pilot. He was forced to take the covid vaccine or he would have lost his job per the American Airlines vaccine mandate. Last winter, he landed his commercial American Airlines aircraft in Dallas, and minutes later after landing he went into cardiac arrest. He required CPR and a defibrillator to bring him back to life. He spent some time in the ICU recovering, and fortunately survived. The fact he went into cardiac arrest on the aircraft probably saved his life, as they have a defibrillator onboard.
So here are the issues with this event happening. First, Snow had just had a full FAA required physical exam for fitness to fly. Zero cardiac issues. Had his covid vaccine. Cardiac arrest a few weeks later. So we know he had no underlying conditions.
Second. WHERE IN THE HOLY MECCA LAND OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA WAS THIS REPORTED?!?! NOWHERE! The coverup of this story was abysmal. What about a heartwarming piece on the nightly news about “heroic flight attendant resuscitated pilot after nearly fatal heart attack minutes after landing a commercial airliner?” That would have surely made the nightly news in the pre-covid days. But alas, we are in the TNI mass formation psychosis land now. We don’t speak of those things that could cause “vaccine hesitancy”.
Third. As Kirsch states, We need to be testing every vaccinated pilot with EKG, D-dimer, troponin, and cardiac MRIs to assess their health. This is for their health and for the safety of the flying public. The airlines and/or FAA should be requiring this. Myocarditis can be subclinical so pilots may not know they are injured. Many do not show symptoms until they go INTO cardiac arrest.
Fourth. This is a HUGE safety issue to the millions of people who travel via aircraft each day. “For passenger safety, every cockpit should have at least one unvaccinated pilot. When the truth gets out, expect a huge pilot shortage, and lots of class actions by pilots that lose their license to fly”. Bob Snow will never fly again. He had plans to teach his daughter how to fly. He will not get to do that now. The job he loved, that he vaccinated against his will for, is now gone. What were his choices here?!?! Walk away from what you love? Or just wait a few months for the vaccine to nearly kill you and THEN you are FORCED to walk away as no physician will clear him to fly after this incident?
Fifth. Why do pilots need to be vaccinated?! They sit in the cockpit! They are not around passengers! They are not dealing with the unruly bachelor party back in coach. They are behind a locked cabin door with another pilot. There is zero logic to vaccinating by mandate for pilots.
Sixth. Steve said it best here. The airlines are NOT doing the screenings required to assess pilot health and passenger safety. Presumably, this is because doing those screenings would: 1) reveal to the public how unsafe the vaccines are and increase vaccine hesitancy, and 2) disqualify too many pilots. Yoder estimates that 30% of the pilots may need to be disqualified due to heart conditions caused by the vaccine. Therefore, the most likely outcome is that the airlines will pretend this incident never happened and the CDC will claim without evidence that there is no link to the vaccine like they usually do. The press will give them a pass on this and not ask any hard questions.
It makes you wonder how many pilots are vaccine injured and flying today. Sobering reality for the statistics crowd that tout how much safer it is to fly than drive somewhere. I am not sure that either is safer now, because the same cardiac arrest can happen behind the wheel of the car.
Your writings are excellent Jennifer. All good points and ignored in this dystopian world we’re living in. And driving? Yes, vaccidents are happening everywhere and too ignored. Keep up the good work. Thank you