I saw this yesterday...but I love your headline. It made me laugh. Ruefully, of course.

Honest to God, you just cannot make this crap up. You just can't make it up.

The venality, the immorality, the criminality -- rife in the Rofe types who seem to be everywhere.

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You left out corruption which was my first thought reading this. I’m damn sick of the corruption that plays in every corporation which governments turn a blind eye to.

Boeing only pays a few hundred million for killing over 300 people because of their fraud and when they commit fraud again they get offered a plea deal? Yeah so much for no one is above the law.

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I meant to convey this through my use of the word "venality." It seems just so many open to a price...corrupt to the core.

To your point about Boeing, indeed. 346 people killed and thousands and thousands affected by their deaths. For this, Boeing gets fined less than $250 million. Yet, OTOH, Alex Jones (Think what you will.) gets fined $1.5 billion. And 𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚 died.

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Great point about Jones. How many people did he kill?

I’m hoping that the judge kills this plea deal as dead as the 346 people Boeing killed!

Maybe if a few CEOs went to prison the corruption would stop. Isn’t that the reason for prison sentences? To deter others from committing crimes?

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The most infuriating to me is there is no justice for these scalawags!

100 years ago, the corrupt judge would have lived in a company town and stayed within those bounds.

Now, they hide behind bureaucrats, "reasonable doubt" or just bald-faced brazenness!

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This reminds me of the studies I read where at one point they have the Conflict of Interest question that invariably says: none. I guess they can't say "I was given this grant initially under the provision that I show either that Covid is far more deadly than it actually is, that the vaccine works and is safe, and that masks work. I will do this based on estimates predicated on models. Or I will simply also create a study that shows that the methods that prove against these above narrative assertions are wrong by saying that RCT's are no longer the gold standard we thought they were.

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Yes...those running these ops craft the "story" and then look for the venal ones willing to tell it. Those venal ones can be "ex spurts" of many different stripes -- medical, academic, scientific, and even -- as this case shows and we've seen in the States -- "loi-yuhs*" and judges.

*My Brooklyn, NY-born-and raised-aunt used to say that word, exaggerating the New York accent to convey the great disdain she had for them. :)

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I hear the word "laaaawyer" with the southern drawl off a Grisham audiobook read by Michael Beck. An dthey come out with new studies every day. Studies where they make ridiculous claims about vaccine efficacy that have nothing to do with the reason for it to begin with. Somewhere along the line, they will state that the vaccine cures cancer, raises the dead, and fights off body odor, yet still you can get infected and test positive via a false PCR test that claims you have "Covid."

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Have you seen Aaron Siri's latest Substack on Plotkin's, et al. recent admission about the complete lack of safety studies on "vaccines?" Could bring on a lot of cognitive dissonance for the hordes of true believers out there.

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I did read that. And it's interesting to read the cognitive rationalizations for the admission. They apparently want to raid some vaccine coffers to perform proper safety studies at least that was my general impression). I probably need to mark this admission down for the next of the many people on twitter that state "it is not an experimental vaccine...it was properly tested."

Funny how the same people who hate the term "turbo cancer" are perfectly fine with "Operation Warp Speed." All things serve the narrative. It will be interesting to see how they turn this too to their advantage.

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...and hope I am not kicked off the next "research" grant.

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Chances of getting another research grant should I prove the narrative to be false...0%

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The courts are part of the government which is in itself a problem when you want to sue the government. They don’t like to get involved and often punt on standing which according to attorney Robert Barnes is really a made up concept. And of course, just like owning the regulatory agencies, the pharma companies are making sure they have plenty of judges on their payroll. And one thing not reported often is how many radical ideological judges Biden has been getting confirmed the last three plus years. Good luck finding friendly courts. That is why Barnes strategically files cases in what he hopes are jurisdictions that may provide a more fair trial but they too often disappoint.

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