I fall into this group. I’m 44, no health issues, an ICU RN, and have never had Covid or tested positive on an antigen or PCR test (nor ever had symptoms). I had two Pfizer shots, a booster in December 2021. I bled approximately 20-23 days of every month from December of ‘20 (when I received my first shot) until end of April/beginning of May last year. Some of those days were light, but many were intensely heavy. I was frequently shaky and tired; I’ve always been pale but I started looking like a Victorian orphan 😒My doctor at the time told me I was working too hard and probably had anxiety from working Covid ICU for two years. When I told him I was going though two boxes of tampons a month and having to wear heavy pads as well, he gave me this patronizing “well even a little blood can seem like a lot you know” (dude I fucking work in ICU I KNOW THIS) and “since you’re still able to leave the house we won’t get too worried just yet”. No labs. He suggested I take melatonin and get more sleep.

I finally started to see a new provider last month. She did a full chem panel and blood count, along with thyroid, vitamin levels, etc. My hemoglobin was 8 last month; after a month of oral iron it was actually lower at 7.2; TIBC is also very low, along with B12. So, I have to see a hematologist next week, I took B12 shots every day for a week and now just once a week, and iron twice a day. My periods are much more normal now and have been for about six months, and since I’ve had no other GI symptoms of bleeding I did ask her if I could hold off on the colonoscopy she recommended until I see the hematologist.

Sorry; I know that was a lot from a total stranger. This post really hit me though 😏

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Sister…..bless your heart…….I am so beyond sorry for what has happened to you!!! You are definitely not alone here by any means. A good friend of mine had the same extensive bleeding you have had. She elected to hysterectomy last fall. She is 42. The profuse bleeding was so bad she resorted to wearing a diaper when she had a meeting because she was just like you bleeding so severely. Her HGB was 7.5 and she looked just awful. So pale and just exhausted. Iron levels also low, she is having trouble getting that back up with PO supplement so she is starting infusions next month. I am so glad you shared your story here!! I can only imagine how frustrated you are with all of this. I just wanna send you a big hug right now. Feel free to email me if you ever need to vent to scream. ❤️

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Hello Aleah: Thank you for helping our families. We appreciate you.

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It is just heartbreaking and many of these women were effectively forced to get a vaccine. My daughter's friend was pregnant in 2021 and my daughter had persuaded her not to take the jab but her GP phoned and refused to get off the phone until she agreed to come in and have the jab. He made her feel like a stupid irresponsible mother so she went ahead. If that is not coercion I don't know what is. Thank goodness these woman have you to help them Jennifer.

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That doctor needs to be forcibly dragged into t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶e̶e̶t̶ court.

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Yes I agree

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Thank you for the excellent post Jennifer. It's so very sad. I grew up with 5 older sisters. I was fortunate to recognize the fraud and false narrative very early on; perhaps because I spent 23+ years as a business owner, seeing all kinds of attempted corruption, etc. I assume ( forgive me if I am repeating this question ) you are aware of the work of Walter Chesnut, PhD ( a real, critically-thinking PhD in Vermont). Walter has recently posted about a few seemingly game-changing supplements:




Walter has obviously focused on the spike protein. I realize that there are other pathways to injury, namely lipid-nanoparticles, etc., but my understanding is that if you can eradicate the spike, you are taking a big step in the right direction.

Another warrior is Jennifer DePew, a RD with a wealth of information on natural substances that can help with shot damage. Pomegranate, and the peel of the pomegranate, appear to be a game-changer.


Thanks again for all your incredible work. Thank you for telling people the truth. May God bless you and all the women and men that you care for. Peace.

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OMG Walter is one of my favorite humans on the planet! His research is just astounding. He was on top of this charade way back in late spring 2021! I have learned so much from him. Bucket list of mine is to be able to shake his hand someday for all the research his amazing brain has done! I love Jennifer DePew’s page too!!! ……there are so many fantastic people on the journey to help and find truth!

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I agree Jennifer. Thank you. I have met wonderful people through SubStack and in other communities. Peace.

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Hello Jennifer. This report is devastating to read because I know many women in this cohort. What do you make of the elevated platelets and white blood cells? Are you seeing any protective factors in the non-affected patients? Hopefully as you observe longitudinally you will have some good news for us.

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The elevated white counts are usually due to underlying infection. This cohort is just chronically sick alllll the time. They recover from one round of crud and get hit with another. THey just cannot stay healthy. It ties back into the IgG3/IgG4 immune responses we are seeing where the primary fighters are depleted and the IgG4 starts to respond inappropriately. The dropping T/B cells are most concerning as those are your big gun immune responses. Without that line of defense, so many things can go wrong. CD4 T cell counts are what we look for in immune compromised patients such as AIDS patients. The lower the count, the more that opportunistic infection can happen. Watching the trends via labs, later this spring will show if these trends continue or not.

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I am grateful for your help. Do you think tachycardia and these immune problems are linked in your patients or are you seeing some with either/or? That may be a dumb question.

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Most have both. I do have some that have just the cardiac issues alone, but all the immune issue ones have a cardiac one too.

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There is a sad desperation in what you write here, and well justified. What injustice. Thank you for writing about how women are being affected as almost no one else is. The numbers I've seen over time in graphs and in totals show that females are suffering more side effects and death than males. To be personally witnessing and aiding those suffering has to be its own hardship. My best to you.

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Thank you friend. I appreciate the kind words. ❤️. I have a large female patient population due to women in mental health often preferring to see a woman provider, and watching what they go through breaks my heart. And they are just being dismissed and being ignored. Which makes me so angry! These are moms of little kiddos, and I just want them to be here to raise their babies. The ones who have not been able to even get pregnant with their first baby just hits my heart so badly. 😭

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There is a book by Dr Alan Beer "Is Your Body Baby Friendly?" which lays out all the immunological problems that inflammation causes that prevents pregnancy and the immunotherapies (many simple and natural) that can be used to overcome these issues. It may be relevant for these women.

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It also includes blood clotting issues - also caused by immune system dysregulation (anti-phospholipid antibodies) plus treatments to overcome the issue of anti-sperm antibodies which are other covid shot-induced adverse side effects.

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Fascinating!!!!! I have not heard of this book and now I gotta check it out! Thank you thank you!!!! ❤️

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Thank you for being brave and sharing your observtions - unlike 99.9% of doctors who are holding on tight to their cognitivie dissonance as if their livelihoods depended on it. The tragedy is, because they will not tie spike protein induced inflammation to any of these adverse reproductive events these poor women will receive no meaningful care.

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You are 100% correct. They are holding firm to the myth and the narrative and just will not budge. And it will continue to cost people their lives.

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What similarities and differences might these anecdotal cases have with whatever we learned about people’s immune systems that have AIDS? High similarities could certainly point strongly to VAIDS? Is there the similar magnitude drop in T cell and B cell with AIDS, or with the increased neutrophils, etc. 🤔🤔

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Exactly what you said. So low T cells are immune deficiency…..in patients we track CD4 T cells and when they reach a certain “low”, they are determined to have AIDS. This was always associated with just the HIV population but most definitely the same thing is happening with vaccinated people. Their immune systems are mimicking what we see in progression to AIDS. So the VAIDS “myth” is not a myth any longer and is starting to show itself in actual clinical presentation. Hematology is doing a great job pretending it is anything BUT immune deficiency. I have seen them blame it on medications, a “persistent virus” 🙄, and due to antibiotics. Zero truth about it being the vaccine.

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That all kind of gives credibility to the early on allegations (followed by “Fact Check” denials) that a piece of HIV DNA sequence was found spliced into SARS-CoV-2.

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Yup. It sure does.

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Yeah, it is maddening and frustrating to see this thing continuing to thrive. But, since “they” basically control all the avenues of justice, there will be no justice.

Read Katherine Watt’s substack ‘Bailiwick News’ if you don’t already, to see much detail about how this evil situation has arisen and who controls much of it.

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How can all this info be out there and no one connected to any of these pharmaceutical giants are being held accountable? It’s criminal!!!

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I'm glad to see you commenting on changes in the blood values. Working with a population of generally 40 to 80-year old male / female patients, we felt like the blood counts were declining compared to last year, but I'm not clear on the fine details. The doctors have joked amongst themselves that it might be the shots. There has been increasing anemia, slipping down with each consecutive measurement in individual patients.

We need an overview of these numbers from a large lab.

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I would love to get my hands on a large set of lab data!!!!!! Compare 2019 to current. The trends are not looking good in the ones I see who have symptoms already presenting. I am running a CBC with diff on everyone now, because the white blood cells are so out of whack and trending the wrong wrong way on re-draw! I wonder if the docs joking about the shot are silently going WTF have we done? Humor may be the only way they can grip what the reality is here. 😭

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Thank you Jennifer. The true horror of the harms caused by the injections just keeps growing. Your exposure of the harms done to these ladies is profound.

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I'm a little behind on my 'Stacking, so apologies if you've already seen this:


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I have missed you friend!!! I get it……work is so busy I am about a week behind myself right now. I love what you share here! Naomi has fought so hard for the bleeding issues to be told. She is fierce!!!!!!

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I enjoyed reading this post and get angrier when I realize how many lives have been negatively impacted by the vaccines. I’m a little confused about why some individuals have these life altering side effects and others have none. Is it possible that different batches have a greater potential for causing problems? Or do you think it is related to the individuals genetic make up? Keep posting the findings of your research. We all benefit from it. Thanks

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I think you mean Holter & not halter monitor fyi... great article & keep up the great work!

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