As most know, primary care is not my specialty. I work in psychiatry. The people I treat are from a wide diverse group of ages, health comorbidities, socioeconomic status, and mental health diagnoses. I have mentioned in previous posts that I started to notice increased issues in mid 2021. But 2023 is not starting off very good. What many may not know is that in psychiatry, you have to know all the other body systems. Because you have to first rule out a PHYSICAL health issue before attributing symptoms to just mental health. The years I spent in the ICU serve me immensely in working in psychiatry.
Much has been said about the vaccine risk to athletes, myocarditis risk in males age 12-40, etc. What has not been reported as widely is what we see in women. Particularly in the 30-45 age group. In the last 4 weeks that kicked off 2023, I have seen 12 women in this age group who are having significant problems. That is almost one per day or every other day in my clinic. Some vary a bit, but the core symptoms remain. I can verify this because I draw labs or I request a copy of their labs, I send out to cardiology, I request records from primary care or from etc. Some have primary care providers who ignore their symptoms, so I step in and do the leg work to get them to the specialty they need to see. Very frustrating for the patient.
What am I seeing?
Cardiac: They have all been through a week long halter monitor heart observation. Tachycardia. Resting heart rates in the 110-170 range. One had a resting heart rate of 165 while sitting at their desk at work. Premature ventricular contractions (PVC’s) (100’s per hour). One had 3 episodes of v-tach that only lasted 2-3 seconds and the heart went back to tachycardia sinus rhythm. V-tach is the heart rhythm that leads to sudden death. It is not life sustainable. They all have pending cardiac follow up visits to “further investigate” the halter monitor findings. Out of this group, there has been a sudden cardiac death, there has been primary care dismissing their symptoms as anxiety, and hospital ER”s who have said they have no beds and to just go back home, and call 911 if something happens. Absolutely terrifying.
Immune: there is another common theme in this group. All have severely elevated white blood cell counts. They all have elevated platelets. They all have elevated Absolute Neutrophil Counts. They all have dropping leukocytes (T&B cells). And these lab changes have been a 6 month trend that keeps going in the wrong direction. They have all been vaccinated 2x or 3x. Only one of them got the omicron booster. Most of them were last vaccinated over a year ago. They have all been sick with various crud since September. They cannot stop getting sick. They have had covid, bronchitis, sinus infections, RSV. Random fevers that pop up weekly. Fatigue and congestion. Two have had to go on FMLA because they cannot work their full time schedule due to being sick all the time, they are out of PTO, and their jobs are in jeopardy. Several have been referred to infectious disease and to hematology to figure out “what is going on”, because primary care is “baffled” that these previously healthy women, who are wives and moms, full time employees, are now suddenly medically unstable.
Fertility and menstrual cycles: this one is a biggie. I cannot keep count on the numbers of miscarriages. Patients, spouses of patients, daughters of patients. That number is astronomical. Sadly, many have had more than 1 miscarriage. Several are in fertility treatment to get pregnant, and a common theme keeps popping up. Sperm morphology are abnormal in men, and inconsistent ovulation and abnormal between periods bleeding in women. We cannot get pregnant and create life if we bleed constantly or if the sperm that meet the egg for conception are not genetically compatible with creating life. The number of hysterectomies has risen dramatically. The number of ovarian and uterine cancers have risen. These are not common cancers to have, and I maybe see/hear about one per year prior to covid. I have had 4 since July 2022.
We talk a lot about the athletes, but the cardiac problems in this population of women are not discussed much. I wanted to bring awareness to these amazing women who are severely struggling right now. Sadly, half of these women readily admit they think their covid vaccine and possibly repeated covid illnesses have caused this. Two of them have made zero connection to the vaccine as the potentially (likely) causative agent. A few were forced to vaccinate to keep their jobs, others willingly took the vaccine and boosters. I wonder how many more I will in the coming months.
I fall into this group. I’m 44, no health issues, an ICU RN, and have never had Covid or tested positive on an antigen or PCR test (nor ever had symptoms). I had two Pfizer shots, a booster in December 2021. I bled approximately 20-23 days of every month from December of ‘20 (when I received my first shot) until end of April/beginning of May last year. Some of those days were light, but many were intensely heavy. I was frequently shaky and tired; I’ve always been pale but I started looking like a Victorian orphan 😒My doctor at the time told me I was working too hard and probably had anxiety from working Covid ICU for two years. When I told him I was going though two boxes of tampons a month and having to wear heavy pads as well, he gave me this patronizing “well even a little blood can seem like a lot you know” (dude I fucking work in ICU I KNOW THIS) and “since you’re still able to leave the house we won’t get too worried just yet”. No labs. He suggested I take melatonin and get more sleep.
I finally started to see a new provider last month. She did a full chem panel and blood count, along with thyroid, vitamin levels, etc. My hemoglobin was 8 last month; after a month of oral iron it was actually lower at 7.2; TIBC is also very low, along with B12. So, I have to see a hematologist next week, I took B12 shots every day for a week and now just once a week, and iron twice a day. My periods are much more normal now and have been for about six months, and since I’ve had no other GI symptoms of bleeding I did ask her if I could hold off on the colonoscopy she recommended until I see the hematologist.
Sorry; I know that was a lot from a total stranger. This post really hit me though 😏
It is just heartbreaking and many of these women were effectively forced to get a vaccine. My daughter's friend was pregnant in 2021 and my daughter had persuaded her not to take the jab but her GP phoned and refused to get off the phone until she agreed to come in and have the jab. He made her feel like a stupid irresponsible mother so she went ahead. If that is not coercion I don't know what is. Thank goodness these woman have you to help them Jennifer.