You can quickly view individual reports by searching by symptom, location, manufacturer, or batch number at . You can search the symptom description with free text and use AND and OR operators for more controlled search. For example: "alopecia, hair loss" with the OR operator results in:
1,572 events reported through May 5, 2023
Of which: 1 died 0.1% | 17 life-threatening 1.1% | 125 permanently disabled 8.0% | 5 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 0.3%
NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)
LOL. Remember when the Pfizer sponsored Academy awards featured fake Alopecia sufferer Jada Pinkett Smith and her Husband Will in fake fight to draw attention to the Issue? Pfizer with a new Alopecia drug on the market. Problem Reaction Solution.
What a business model, which is the "new norm" for the medical industrial complex running a good portion of our government. Create a poison that causes all sorts of severe afflictions and get the government and corrupt corporations to mandate it. Then, to treat all the new diseases your original poison caused, create another poison ... and so on and so forth. Who would have thought that greed would completely rule our society. In the words of Corey Taylor, "I don't want to have it all, I just want to have enough". I guess enough is now pretty subjective.
Wow! After succumbing to vaccine coercion by the VA, I noticed my hair thinned. It has since grown back. While not a life and death issue for me, I can see why hair loss would be a huge concern for some. I will not give into vaccine coercion this time. I have an attorney on standby should they threaten me with a loss of benefits or denial of healthcare. Bring it!
You can quickly view individual reports by searching by symptom, location, manufacturer, or batch number at . You can search the symptom description with free text and use AND and OR operators for more controlled search. For example: "alopecia, hair loss" with the OR operator results in:
1,572 events reported through May 5, 2023
Of which: 1 died 0.1% | 17 life-threatening 1.1% | 125 permanently disabled 8.0% | 5 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 0.3%
NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)
Oh no, my wife had the exact same condition a few months after flu vaccine, doctors said it's probably stress.
We connected the dot when the mandate started
Pfizer has a new drug for alopecia. Conveniently all the issues these vaccines cause result in more medication/profits for the drug companies.
LOL. Remember when the Pfizer sponsored Academy awards featured fake Alopecia sufferer Jada Pinkett Smith and her Husband Will in fake fight to draw attention to the Issue? Pfizer with a new Alopecia drug on the market. Problem Reaction Solution.
What a business model, which is the "new norm" for the medical industrial complex running a good portion of our government. Create a poison that causes all sorts of severe afflictions and get the government and corrupt corporations to mandate it. Then, to treat all the new diseases your original poison caused, create another poison ... and so on and so forth. Who would have thought that greed would completely rule our society. In the words of Corey Taylor, "I don't want to have it all, I just want to have enough". I guess enough is now pretty subjective.
Wow! After succumbing to vaccine coercion by the VA, I noticed my hair thinned. It has since grown back. While not a life and death issue for me, I can see why hair loss would be a huge concern for some. I will not give into vaccine coercion this time. I have an attorney on standby should they threaten me with a loss of benefits or denial of healthcare. Bring it!