Another fantastic post by Dr. Makis. Here are some other pics from his twitter posting about Alopecia:
What is interesting about this condition is that it is a T-Lymphocyte autoimmune inflammation disorder that causes this kind of hair loss. All things we know are affected by covid vaccines. Sometimes hair grows back, and sometimes it does not.
I have a couple of patients who lost all of their hair. I also have a friend who had this happen but is not vaccinated. But worked around vaccinated people all day every week. They have had regrowth of their hair.
You can quickly view individual reports by searching by symptom, location, manufacturer, or batch number at . You can search the symptom description with free text and use AND and OR operators for more controlled search. For example: "alopecia, hair loss" with the OR operator results in:
1,572 events reported through May 5, 2023
Of which: 1 died 0.1% | 17 life-threatening 1.1% | 125 permanently disabled 8.0% | 5 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 0.3%
NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)
Oh no, my wife had the exact same condition a few months after flu vaccine, doctors said it's probably stress.
We connected the dot when the mandate started