As to Jennifer's "I wonder why these states..." question regarding distribution of reports adverse AKI events, I'm not sure if it was rhetorical but I have seen articles in which it's been inferred that delivery patterns of certain "bad batches" can be rather stunningly plotted out on a map. The EN6200 series Pfizer/BioNTech batches (and their notorious AE reports in VAERS) seemed to align themselves rather dramatically along the I-75 corridor from Florida up through the rust belt states. Just an inference; no hard data to prove causation. Maybe that's the case with these AKIs. We'll never really know, is my guess. When my Congresswoman, Hillary Scholten (US 3rd-MI), tells me in a letter I wrote to her regarding a vax injury I suffered (per my medical team--lacunar infarct to the ventral posterolateral thalamus) that the vaccines "have been proven safe and effective under careful monitoring and trials", who in power can we trust to stop allowing themselves to be propagandists? She cites CDC and FDA twaddle when doing so when we all know damn well that the VAERS and VSafe data--and big pharma's own studies!--belie any such claims.

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Daughter of a friend of ours got injected because the son of her boyfriend has an impaired immune system. Okaaaaaay...

She got two Phizer needles. Within six months, full on kidney failure. Docs are sure it's not the junk. It's a genetic disorder. Oh, really, doc? Yeah. Probably got this from your mother. (Just so special you are, doc. Blaming out-of-the-blue kidney failure on a genetic disorder that the person got from her mother...Nice one.) Of course, mother not injected and doing fine. Goes for a rash of tests to check to make sure she's OK. Of course, mother's kidneys are fine...)

Anyway, daughter has had multiple hospitalizations. Endured the "blow up" of high-dose steroids early on. Out of the hospital now and doing better, but assured by docs she'll never go back to full kidney function.

And all of this is just so mysterious...or a genetic disorder...but definitely 𝒏𝒐𝒕 the injectable junk that comes complete with product liability immunity for its makers.

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Thanks Jennifer. All "leaders" are part of the crime. Florida is no exception. I recall reports from Germany right when the gene-therapy trash wass rolled out; perfectly healthy elderly people were dying within a day or two of transfection. Crimes against humanity. Peace.

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A former coworker (age 78 at the time) that retired had two mRNA shots in early 2021 (don’t know brand) and within months he had acute kidney failure. He is in Kansas and survived but his kidneys are so impaired it has limited his life greatly and he has had to have a lot of medical intervention. He never connected the shots to the kidney issues and neither did his doctors. There are probably a lot more of these cases that were not properly diagnosed or reported to VAERS.

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We know that certain lots of the vaccines were associated with an inordinate amount of injury and disability and death. It would be nice to know what lot numbers these recipients received to see if these same lots caused other serious adverse reactions. Thanks for the continued exposure of the dangers of these jabs. I find it simply amazing that the medical profession continues to ignore these safety signals and the numerous adverse reactions. Simply amazing.

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Thanks Jennifer. The list of damage, injury & death all caused by these injections, just keeps growing.

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The full text begs more questions than it answers. If fact this study looks like an attempt to whitewash another horrible AESI by bypassing certain major issues that impact causation. I quote:"Third, we could not profile the AKI staging or identify the risk factors since the critical data that impacted AKI, such as baseline creatinine, urine protein, medications, and socioeconomic status, were unavailable [Citation24]."

I want to know the previous Creatinine in all patients in whom this data is available. Surely the patient's medical records would have ordinary blood tests on an annualk base. Obviously if most of them had normal or only mildly elevated serum Cr. and developed AKI progressing to the need for dialysis only 2 weeks after the jab, causation was not "dehydration", and any dehydration was more likely the sequela of losing their kidney function.

One other issue - I am hearing from friends that they are seeing a nephrologist and are under various dietary and even fluid restriction for "chronic renal failure" when they have had stable creatinine in the low 1s for the previous 10-15 years. We need to know much about patient data to take this study seriously.

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