Also it’s not effective. Just spray pepper spray to someone wearing an N95 and goggles and they will see how effective they are.

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The few remaining maskers in our area are pale, wide eyed, and unhealthy looking. They have this smugness like they are better than everyone. Bizarre. They really did a number on some people.

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I always wear those masks when doing dusty construction products. And I always blow my nose at the end of the day and get the color of the dust I’m filtering. So I knew it was BS from day one without needing the CDC to tell me. I am amazed at how little energy the general population applies to actually thinking through the situations which confront them in their daily lives. Nobody I know reads the CDC articles, why would you when you can just get the information injected into your mushy compromised feces sponge directly through the TV.

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"But lets be real here, by 2021, everyone who wanted to mask up was in a damn N95. I still see people in N95’s." It's pure mind-control. I read Dr. Denis Rancourt's paper "Masks Don't Work" in April of 2020:


The paper is a real scientific paper - it is easy to read and shows you, plainly and logically, why masks are harmful to people. I also read Dr. Judy Mikovits book "The Case Against Masks", another good book regarding the harm that masks do.

I think the greatest harm inflicted by masks is psychological. I live in South Florida. Yes, there are people here, mostly elderly, that wear masks. A mask is a fear indicator.

I moved to Florida in early 2021 from Kauai, Hawaii. Why? Kauai was the LAST county in the US to drop their mask mandate. Kauai LOVED covid rules and regulations. Try walking down a beach in the middle of the Pacific ocean and see a person walking toward you with a stupid mind-control mask. They dumbed everyone down and made them fear everything - only then could they control people like rats in an experiment. Sick, sick stuff. The sickest part? Most people do not see it - it is going through the "normalization" process.


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I was shocked last week when I went to the Kansas City VA Facility for a test and didn't have to wear a mask. I figured they would NEVER relax the requirement. I am going to visit another VA facility in another state next week. I wonder if I will have to wear a mask at that VA hospital? It is anyone's guess.

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50/50 gamble on this one friend……😎

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The wearing of masks today by people of obvious robust activity and health is a useful marker for people that you want to avoid. They are either delusional, uninformed, hypochondriacal, hiding something from you, or possibly planning to commit a crime. 😂😂

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I completely agree!!! 😂

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Yet I wore N95's, for work in the trades, for hours a day, day after day, year after year from the 1970's on without any ill effects ever noticed. I had a unopened extra case of boxes of 3M 8210+ N95's that I was able to distribute to family, friends and at risk neighbors at the "start" in March 2020. No one complained of health problems from these N95's. People had "health problems" from Not wearing N95's.

I made my own simple antiviral oral/nasal sprays, then always and still do use them, put on a N95, simply adjust for fit and wear it whenever in shared air. No covid ( I use 3M N95's such as were tested in real time on youtube by Aaron Collins and shown to stop over 99.5% of salt test particules the size of a single sars-cov-2 virus. Aaron simply put on the mask, adjusted a bit for fit and tested)

BS crap from those cdc et al. who failed to insure we had a sufficient stock of N95's (we had 1 expired N95 for every 25 Americans in our national stockpile in 2020) and sufficient, distributed, in country manufacturing capability for N95's necessary to stop a bioweapon attack or pandemic from spreading.

And you, doctor, repeat this cdc bullshit.

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Thanks Jennifer. Spot on!

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Jun 24, 2023
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LMAO this is spot on. 😂

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