According to the “CDC”, N95 respirators were not a great decision for all-day wear. (Shocker).
Notice that this article is from 2020……..yes…..2020.
They were quick to say the flimsy cloth masks that the plebs wore were “totally safe” and this just refers to N95 “respirators”. But lets be real here, by 2021, everyone who wanted to mask up was in a damn N95. I still see people in N95’s. So this applies to anyone in an N95 or KN95 at this point.
“An N95 FFR user is always going to experience some level of difficulty breathing, or breathing resistance, even though these devices are designed to minimize breathing resistance as much as possible. Enough breathing resistance could result in a reduction in the frequency and depth of breathing, known as hypoventilation (the opposite of hyperventilation).” Now wait a damn minute. How many times have I heard “healthcare workers wear one all day and they are fine” and “these CO2 detector videos are fake news masks are safe and effective”. Bullshit.
“Hypoventilation is a primary cause of significant discomfort while wearing an N95 FFR (Williams 2010). However, studies done by Roberge et al. (2010) indicated that this hypoventilation did not pose a significant risk to healthcare workers over the course of less than one hour of continuous N95 use. When HCWs are working longer hours without a break while continuously wearing an N95 FFR, blood CO2 levels may increase past the 1-hour mark, which could have a significant physiological effect on the wearer (Lim et al., 2006)*. Some of the known physiological effects of increased concentrations of CO2 include:
Increased pressure inside the skull;
Nervous system changes (e.g., increased pain threshold, reduction in cognition – altered judgement, decreased situational awareness, difficulty coordinating sensory or cognitive, abilities and motor activity, decreased visual acuity, widespread activation of the sympathetic nervous system that can oppose the direct effects of CO2 on the heart and blood vessels);
Increased breathing frequency;
Increased “work of breathing”, which is result of breathing through a filter medium;
Cardiovascular effects (e.g., diminished cardiac contractility, vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels);
Reduced tolerance to lighter workloads.
Oh what’s that? Within an HOUR of wearing that N95 you might experience the above issues?
STOP WEARING THE DAMN MASK. We never should have worn them to begin with. The absurdity of all of it. And THIS was printed in 2020. They denied every single symptom listed above when people would mention the issues they had while wearing a mask. Completely absurd clown world nonsense.
Also it’s not effective. Just spray pepper spray to someone wearing an N95 and goggles and they will see how effective they are.
The few remaining maskers in our area are pale, wide eyed, and unhealthy looking. They have this smugness like they are better than everyone. Bizarre. They really did a number on some people.