Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

What about the boyfriend? Was he not even curious? That is the most baffling part. Read the text messages, he obviously had very strong feelings for her. What was doing the blockage? Something tells me the alien blob that has been a part of past posts could do a 99% blockage. Was there an autopsy? Are those doctors corrupt too? Maybe we should have the embalmers start doing autopsies. How about a billboard blaming work? Yet nobody suspects that perhaps a vaccine could be the culprit. A vaccine that in all likelihood she did not need ... even if the vaccine did what they said it would. But remember Topal said, hey if she came in she would be alive today. How about hey, if she never was forced to take the poison she would be alive today.

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If this woman's heart had been developing blockage, surely it would have shown up in symptoms of some sort during that physical that gave her a clean bill of health, yes? So do we assume no symptoms at time of physical, but two weeks later, 99% blockage and then "she dead"? Is that possible? Turbo blockage?

That exchange between the pharmacist and her boyfriend? Oh, boy...

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

embalmers are reporting extensive white rubbery clots sufficient to block the embalming fluid in around 25% of sudden deaths in the vaccinated. They have been reporting this for the last 2 years but no-one in authority will listen to them - not the coroners, or the health authorities or the government or the police. I am not sure how fast these clots grow but they had never been seen before.

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

I would think so unless the clots were a sudden onset. I would think if docs can pick up a heart murmur by listening then they should hear one part of it being stressed or not pumping. But then I could be wrong.

And yes the boyfriend didn’t seem too concerned, but now? I bet he has been rethinking that conversation. Over and over…..

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Thanks, Sam. Yes, it just seemed very odd to me that she passes a physical with flying colors, but ends up dead two weeks later from "99% blockage?" How does a 99% blockage not get detected somehow?? Yet, as you say, I don't know about these things, so I guess it's possible to go from good to very bad in two weeks...

Maybe Dr. Funtimes can weigh in on this question.

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My best guess is the blockage was probably a combo of clotting/possible plaque rather than plaque buildup alone. They probably did zero labs to look at her clotting factors, d-dimer, etc, and totally whiffed any possible early symptoms she may have had. My best guess is a cluster of microclots made a bigger clot and that went to a coronary artery.

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Thank you, Dr. It just seems so fast to me, but as you explain, this woman may have already had some plaque buildup. Add what is likely clotting that we know happens after getting the junk injected -- é voilà. Instead of a good news voilà, hers was bad news.

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

I have a good friend who's family has a history of heart disease so he has seen a cardiologist for checks on an annual basis since his mid 40's. He took the vaccine in 2021. In 2023, shortly after his 50th B-day, we planned a guy's weekend with another friend. Two weeks before the trip he called to say he wouldn't be able to go since he was just diagnosed with a severe blockage and would be going in for emergency surgery the following Monday. So probably the only reason they caught it in time was that he sees his Cardiologist on an annual basis. So to your comment on "Turbo Blockage", yes maybe that is what we are seeing. It would be interesting if an investigation was done on sales of stent device manufacturing and sales trends over last 8 years. 🤔

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Interesting story, LJ, but a sad one re your friend. I'm glad it was caught and he's doing OK, I assume?

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

Interesting on the time line of putting out the article .

She was also a smoker , chubby & by looking at her & her grave sight a drinker & the drinking was an important thing to her .

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Absolutely she had some risk factors……but minimal for her age. My question would be how many 41 year olds prior to 2020 were overweight, used nicotine, and drank and dropped dead of a heart attack at the pace we are seeing right now? Or, how many healthy people with no risk factors her age and younger drop dead of a heart attack these days? I know of 1 person who prior to covid died of a heart attack in their mid to late 40’s, or it was assumed to be a heart attack, he died suddenly and his wife found him at home deceased, but no autopsy was done. They just ruled it a heart attack. Could have been a stroke, aneurysm, triple A, heart attack……that was 20+ years ago. He was a smoker and social drinker, but was otherwise healthy.

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Stress & shots pushed her over the edge with an already unhealthy lifestyle habits .

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

What could be possibly be doing the blocking? At 41 years of age "coronary arteries 99% blocked??" perhaps some type of unconventional blockage? 99% says someone looked and saw what was there.

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

Wait, it's not safe and effective? Never was...

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Feb 12Liked by Jennifer Brown

Need to create another astronaut with a gun meme for this

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Yes please!

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