This story is quite sad. This article of course blames “work stress” for why this pharmacist had a heart attack. But let’s look at the timeline.
41 years old, pharmacist of 17 years, had worked at CVS her entire career.
Died September 10th, 2021, after the first 2 covid vaccines had been released and the fall booster was entering the scene
Had been to her family doctor for a physical 2 weeks prior and received a clean bill of health.
Had symptoms of a heart attack but failed to go seek medical treatment, even when she was not on shift
Severe blockage (99%) of her Left Decending coronary artery
She ignored every heart attack symptom. She even googled her symptoms. This is a person who has been through a doctorate of pharmacy program. She had been a pharmacy manager and staff pharmacist for 17 years. How did she NOT know heart attack symptoms? I mean, we “trust” pharmacists these days to give vaccines and they love to refuse to fill medications prescribed by a healthcare provider, yet she didn’t know heart attack symptoms? Hers were classic MI symptoms. Why did she not seek help when her symptoms were going on while at HOME? Prior to going to work? Why did she stay at work even when her boss told her to close and go seek care? Oh yes by all means let’s blame “work stress”.
Below is the screen shots of her last interaction with her boyfriend prior to her death:
What is most interesting is this event happened in 2021, but the article about “work stressing your heart” was written in February 2024. I speculate this story was a little mix of history with current times reality. They are using the sudden death of this pharmacist 2+ years ago to spin the story of “oh hey you can have a heart attack due to stress at work”. They chose CVS because they have been in the news over the last 6-8 months for having understaffed stores. But back in 2021, staffing wasn’t the issue it is today. Back in 2021, the pharmacies were busy covid testing and vaccinating, which is why med refills were piling up, which they conveniently leave out. What happened THE DAY BEFORE SHE DIED? Joe Biden announced mandatory covid vaccinations.
The mainstream will stop at NOTHING to ensure that the vaccine is never listed as a cause of sudden cardiac death. Why were her coronary arteries 99% blocked?? At age 41?? What had she done over the prior 9 months to herself that may have contributed to this happening to her? The spin machine is in full force.
What about the boyfriend? Was he not even curious? That is the most baffling part. Read the text messages, he obviously had very strong feelings for her. What was doing the blockage? Something tells me the alien blob that has been a part of past posts could do a 99% blockage. Was there an autopsy? Are those doctors corrupt too? Maybe we should have the embalmers start doing autopsies. How about a billboard blaming work? Yet nobody suspects that perhaps a vaccine could be the culprit. A vaccine that in all likelihood she did not need ... even if the vaccine did what they said it would. But remember Topal said, hey if she came in she would be alive today. How about hey, if she never was forced to take the poison she would be alive today.
If this woman's heart had been developing blockage, surely it would have shown up in symptoms of some sort during that physical that gave her a clean bill of health, yes? So do we assume no symptoms at time of physical, but two weeks later, 99% blockage and then "she dead"? Is that possible? Turbo blockage?
That exchange between the pharmacist and her boyfriend? Oh, boy...