Very sad for these naive trusting families. I used to think nothing of vaccines and naively trusted doctors and medical folks, but never again after what my employer and my various levels of government put me through. I will never ever forget!

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This is all part of the death cult that is sweeping America. From abortions on demand to demands that our children be injected with the clot shot to destroying their ability to have children of their own, we are living in a dystopian nightmare. I fervently pray for divine intervention. Who thinks having an abortion/vasectomy van right outside the DNC is totally wrong? Evidently, not enough people do or it would not be there.

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Schools are now EMF hot zones. Football practice hitting their hearts. Sad to see and its NEVER happened before.

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A friend in CA with a son playing high level teenage hockey had a teammate, who recently got a college scholarship to a top hockey university, had an emergency heart surgery and now has a pacemaker. He was in the half of the group of kids that took the shot. This probably will threaten his college scholarship. I don’t know if anyone has even considered the possible correlation to the vaccines.

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As tragic and heartbreaking as it is, I fear this is going to be more and more common. All we can do is pray and pray that somehow we can get a break and stop the death jabs because another Plandemic is nearly upon us.

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We all know the answer to the question in the title...

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Chronic focal myocarditis due to the Covid vaccine has been confirmed in many autopsies by a German pathologist. (Kristin Schwab). "Asymptomatic" myocarditis has been documented in 1/4-800 patients in a Thai study. CFM is a undiagnosable ticking time bomb and the V.Fib triggered by the small areas of scars producing the arrhythmia is triggered by the high epinephrine on the soccer field/gym/ football field.

Likely many young athletes will die as the only remedy is quick defib.

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You can bet it is a lot more than 8. This has been happening for quite some time now too. Again, nobody even looked to a fake pandemic and the "vaccine" mandate that has killed so many and will continue to kill. Are these parents and loved ones complete zombies? Let's put these people who mandated the poison back in office so they can do it again. Have you been watching the spectacle of these elites and their brainwashed followers? Free abortions, etc. The party of death and the corrupt propagandists (media) who cover for them.

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"Why do we have 8 kids who have “suddenly died” in the month of August? Most during the first week of school?"

Hearts scarred and damaged by evil via "vaccine" created "spike". Hearts now readied by evil to "short out" and fail with the normal extra burst of energy created from exercise or with the extra excitement or stimulation at times experienced in the normal course of Life.

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