It's likely that all winter, Covid was generally killing the people who were on the edge of death. Obviously we wouldn't notice this because old and sick people literally die every winter during what we used to call flu season.

Then our REACTION to covid cause vent death AND sped up the curve by infecting all the at-risk at once. Six or seven states basically mandated a covid outbreak in every nursing home. Then THAT caused the media panic that likely scared a bunch of people to death. (Remember how people were asking why people in NYC were dropping dead of heart attacks at home but not going to the hospital?)

Now we're determined to kill people with the jabs, too.

It's almost as if it's a nefarious plot or something.

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Totally agree! The mandated admission of covid positive patients to nursing homes (hello Gretchen and Wolf and Cuomo among others) was like a spark to kindling. There is a nurse named nurse Erin who went to NYC to work the front lines in 2020 and she has chronicled the disaster that covid response was there. She has a website and a twitter page…..its an interesting and sad revelation.

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At my midwest hospital we only intubated when the hypoxia was severe - there were no intubations "just because covid". No one was willing to use high flow O2 or BiPAP due to concern of spreading contagion. The PEEPs needed were higher than I'd ever seen, hence the lung injury, but there wasn't an alternative at the time.

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I wonder if now, looking back, if they would have been more receptive to hi flow or bipap knowing what we know now? A colleague passed away in September 2021 of “covid”. He had remdesivir and he was on a bipap, satting upper 80’s/90. Then his kidneys went to hell and he bought himself the ET. Passed away 3 days later. My gut has always said if he had not remdesivier’ed he coulda cruised through on bipap and graduated down to nasal cannula but we will never know. 😭. Thank you for all that you have had to endure during this. ❤️

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Far as I know, vents and remdesivir is still the official protocol.

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No matter what you or Dr Maloney says, there is no COVID-19. It has never been properly isolated using the filtration method. Stop sending out propaganda and BS.

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While I do not disagree with your statement that Covid 19 has not been isolated, I will continue to share information that I find important. You missed the memo my friend. This post wasn’t about isolating the c-19 or not, it was why did they suddenly have so many people die from something when it was circulating widely without causing death prior. IF you find my content to be BS and propaganda then feel free to unfollow my page.

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Dr Malone is a scam artist. I don't really follow your page however if I misread it I apologize. I'm glad you don't disagree that it has never been isolated. It hasn't and it never will because it doesn't exist.

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