Anyone recall TIK TOK influencers invited to the White House / or online stream “briefing “ because the 3 letter agencies had no “agents” inside or people to blackmail? - Yup, it happened. They were encouraged to post “in a certain way/ narrative’. - I’m guessing the vids are still out there as some recorded the whole session.

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I remember this with Covid, and they were the 'influencers' doing dancing.

Did you happen to notice in 2019, before Covid, there were a lot of dancing Tik Tok influencers doing the 'OK Boomer' routine – basically little skits designed to mock the older generation and encourage young people to disregard / disrespect them. I took note of it at the time because it said something quite unhealthy about a society to promote that way of thinking. Looking back on it, it follows the same pattern of later orchestrated campaigns. Perhaps 2019 was preparing for the culling pandemic.

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I remember that #BoomerRemover was trending for an uncomfortably long period of time.

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They can entertain us with mocking; we can entertain ourselves by knowing how their sperm and neurons look at the moment.

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I think it was Dr. Malone that mentioned this, but it could have even been in this substack: Covid response management was quickly turned over to the National Security Council, the Department of Homeland Security, and FEMA, who dictated all policy, even to NIH and CDC. So the response actions were dictated by NSC, DHS, and DoD. In a defense emergency, control of the message is as essential: propaganda and misinformation, especially in this new information age, is where the war is at. We must expect that the FBI and the 17 intelligence and enforcement arms would all be seriously embedded in any news organization or political action group. The Democrat party has infiltrated these organizations, which are the government's stick (along with the DOJ and IRS), so that government on paper is not the government in power. That is why there is a substack. I just hope substack is careful in who it hires. I don't mind alternative or contrary to my views at all, I just want to express mine.

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The first thing people need to learn in the pursuit of truth ie what is really going on is how to dodge the censorship. Many yeras ago I investigated if the MMR vaccines were causing autism. After some carfeul research (so I thought) I decided that whole idea of any link had been debunked. Now I know that what I found out was simply 'served up' to me by the censors.

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I fell into that very same trap my friend. I was convinced that Wakefield was off his rocker and linking autism was a huge scientific failure! I promoted vaccines for my patients for many years and I am so ashamed to say I thought poorly of those who did not vaccinate their kids. Boy have I learned a powerful lesson. I am so mad at myself for believing the propaganda I was taught that vaccines are this amazing all powerful solution. I cannot apologize enough to those I recommended vaccines to before I learned the truth 4-5 years ago. I think that is part of the reason why I write this substack each day. Part of it is making up for being woefully stupid at believing what was taught as evidence based practice. Never ever again. I question everything now. But man, they did a great job censoring any opposing views didn’t they!!!! Makes me just sick.

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That must be a terrible burden to carry but you were simply unaware. It may not sound like anywhere near a sufficient excuse as we all tend to judge own own faults far more harshly than we judge others. We betray ourselves when we fall short of our own expectations and that always seem unforgiveable. However the very fact that you had the immense personal courage and integrity to speak out against the narrative once you became informed is what really counts in the fight we are now all engaged in to save humanity. Those virtues alone are the basis upon which we pin our hope of redemption so we are 100% with you and applaud your willingless to jeopardise your own career in order to ensure that you at least “Live Not by Lies.” as Solzhenitsyn wrote. I just hope that I too would have the same courage as you if my career was at stake. You give us an example to follow so thank you.

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That’s the same trap most of us fall into...we are brought up believing we Trust Authority. Trust our parents, trust our teachers, trust our government! 🤷‍♂️🤣 Boy, until we learned our lessons and became educated in skepticism we were just sheep.

The Ethical Skeptic has become a folk hero from his twitter and website presence, and has opened a lot of eyes.

BTW, thanks for all the eye opening your work is doing too, here on Substack and the Rumble videos.

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It’s amazing how much censorship there is of the truth in internet searches now, aka “googling”. We used to get the results we wanted towards the top of our search page, now the top several pages are the sanitized and approved Narrative. One has to really dig deeper now to get to the truth of any subject even remotely controversial.

Here is a really good Joe Rogan podcast with Dr Robert Epstein, giving some good insight on the goings-on from Google...worth the time to listen


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Highly unappetizing people. Yuck.

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The 'modernization' of Smith-Mundt led to this completely predictable outcome. Now the CIA/FBI/Swamp completely controls the media "for our own good."


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