Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown
Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

I will take this at face value. "They" ARE planning a mass casualty event. Did you notice that all of the examples mentioned were instances of Democratic Supporters attacking Republicans? You would think there might have been at least one example of a Republican shooting at a Democrat. Oh wait, it's because there AREN'T any examples of Republicans shooting at Democrats. Given this recent history, I wonder which party will suffer attrition during this planned mass casualty event? Also, I am sure just thinking about mass casualties gets the powers that be all lathered up. They do want us dead.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Let's assume for a moment "they" achieve their goal of wiping out Congress.

It does not require ammunition and weaponry to foil an enemy takeover of an area.

Low tech materiel is super effective in proper hands.

However, the availability of millions of weapons and billions of rounds will act as a freshening breeze stirring fear in those attempting to "help" with peacekeeping operations after the violent act of removing the elected representatives of the People.

Witness the past days in a tiny country on the Mediterranean Sea.

The enemy always has a tell, and right now, it's bragging openly.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

E.O. E.O. splat.

This contingency idea is an epic fail!! Are we stupid enough to get this on a national ballot for constitutional adoption??

(New lyrics to "Ol' MacDonald had a Plan")

Dr FT: I'm feeling a growing need for anti-anxiety meds. I'll just go find puppies and kittens to snuggle today. But I can't take much more of this!

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I feel you friend!!!! I did get to snuggle a sweet little 6 week old baby and man was that 10 minutes of beauty and peace!!! ♥️. I am a sucker for babies…..I will rock and snuggle a baby for hours if given the opportunity!!! If “professional baby rocker” was a job I would apply yesterday!

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

I'm with you!

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Wow, just showing what is to come.. Totalitarianism.. 1984.. Never thought this would happen a few years ago. Now it is a certainty.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

I agree. The mask is off. All pretense is gone. The Harris/Walz ticket has campaigned on proposals that would bring on a repeat of the Great Depression and cause a famine that would be the envy of Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. Specifically the Unrealized Capital Gains Tax would turn all assets into liabilities. There would be a massive sell off in the stock markets and real estate. As companies lose the ability to access capital, they will close and many millions will lose their jobs all at once. Sounds like the Great Depression to me. But that isn't their worst promise. The Nationalization of the Food Supply in the name of curbing inflation will cause widespread famine. First, prices of anything do not cause inflation. Excess Government spending causes inflation. Pay attention during ECON 101. By artificially suppressing the price of food, the government will disincentivize producers from providing more product. No one is going to willingly operate at a loss. If they do, they won't do it for long. So the price of food may be low, but there won't be any food to buy at any price. If you look back at the 20th Century, every Communist country that nationalized their food supply reduced their population by a minimum of 1/3 due to famine. Deliberate famine. And people have signs for these monsters in their yards. Useful idiots indeed. And they all want us dead.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

If assassination fails, I sort of expect the democrats to nuke the world to stop Mr Trump from winning the election.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

No doubt there is a Doomsday Scenario in the works.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Good luck. They are playing with fire. A large portion of the populous is nearly at wits end. Can you imagine UN troops trying to enforce UN laws in the US? Aint ever going to happen. That would cause a real insurrection in which everyone I know would join. With all that is wrong in this country, these 5 AHs are thinking about continuity of government? Like our Constitution does not already deal with this. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment. That is the only thing keeping the elitist globalists at bay.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Expect in the UN scenario for the Bill of Rights to be the first casualty after the initial.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

May God have mercy on the Blue Helmets for we will not. An overt invasion, no matter who instigates it, will trigger a huge response.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

I'm right there with you.

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This thread is the biggest roadblock the globalists have. How can we get the US to go along with the program? Simple answer: You can't, so stop trying. A vote for Kamala brings us one step closer. Either way, AI will start a shooting war in the next 10 years as it begins to take away highly skilled jobs and people are left with 2 choices; capitulate and live at the poverty level or fight.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Also notice that this is a bipartisan plan showing once again that both parties hate the people they represent.

Don’t be fooled. The same people from both parties have been in congress for 5 decades and our quality of life has gone down every year. It’s a uniparty folks.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Anyone read ‘Executive Order' by Tom Clancy? A pilot flies his plane into the capital building when most of the government is in the chamber and everyone but the new veep is killed?

The new veep orders elections and regular people are elected, plus he cancels all the government overreach from the last 200 years including the tax code. Best book ending ever!

This new plan puts a kabosh on my dreams of taking the country back and making it work for we the people.

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

Make "1984" and "Atlas Shrugged" fiction again. PLEASE

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Sep 25Liked by Jennifer Brown

I once saw a bumper sticker that said "1984 Was Not An Instruction Manual". This is not true. George Orwell said so himself. He hoped it could provide a path for Ingsoc. He thought the world in 1984 was just peachy.

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It’s becoming more and more a Nazi regime and the people remain asleep

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THEY think we're alarmist kooks.

THEY prep one way (Babble & Censor & Jab, oh my!) and we prep in quiet practicable ways.

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Hey KC area folks. speaking of horrible Cleaver, I am coordinating door knocking in Eastern Jackson County for the Sean Smith/Retire Cleaver campaign. https://www.seansmithformo.com/ to volunteer, donate and help Sean!! There are also groups in KC and Clay County. Lots of positive conversations at the doors. Unlike past candidates who have tried to retire Cleaver, Sean actually has built a lot of name recognition and support due to his efforts the past 2 years on the Jackson County legislature, helping people with property tax issues. He is having a forum in LS at the Gamber Center on 9/30 at 6 PM to talk about housing and property tax issues.

And yes, this continuity of government thing is very concerning, but my coping mechanism, since we can't do anything about this, is to keep my focus on action and stuff I can do to help good Conservatives get elected.

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I’ve said it before…beware of the times when “they” start saying the quiet parts out loud. Folks, welcome to Dystopianstan.

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