Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

I believe the nurse in the video is Erin Olszewski, author of "Undercover Epicenter Nurse". I read the book in December 2020. Erin was a traveling nurse from Florida with military experience; she went to the "epicenter" in NYC - where she was shocked about what was going on. She wore glasses that recorded both video and audio. It is very clear that covid was a fear-inducing campaign. There are several PhD's, ( and I mean qualified, honest experts ) who have proven, using readily available real-world data, that there never was a pandemic - not even close. The stories Erin tells in the book and video are heartbreaking; innocent people, perfectly healthy, "tested positive" and immediately hooked up to IV's, isolated - and then intubated and given Remdesivir - never to see the light of day again. It was pre-planned, coordinated globally by Godless eugenics freak criminals. They must be held accountable. Peace. :-)

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

It is difficult to distinguish between a Nazi death camp and the authoritarian atrocities that took place in hospitals and clinics during Covid. This may explain why admission standards are being lowered in professional schools. Less critical-minded medical and law school students are being indoctrinated with hate instead of knowledge. Medical students and nurses are being taught it is fine to harm people if they have the wrong ideas, and that it is noble for law students to shout down anyone with unapproved views. Medical and legal professionals are becoming trained concentration camp guards.

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This is spot on 100%.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Great comment! May I plagiarize it?

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Thanks, and please feel free to use if you think it could be helpful. No attribution needed.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

It'll make a great Twitter post when I can get to it. Under my name of course. Thanks.

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"They were paying nurses upwards of $10k per week, and providers $50-60k per week while this was going on. Hush money. Do what we tell you to do. Everyone was on a gag order. If you spoke out, you were fired." Nuff said.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Intent to Harm....that's how all of this is beginning to appear.

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But it seems like, financial incentives, no?

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Yeah...incentives to kill you and me.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Ask yourself what would or would not have happened if all the covid shots were actually saline...hypothetically speaking.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Remdesivir....the drug that killed half it's trial participants and was meant as a battlefield short term prophylactic some how ends up as standard of care along with vents. W T A F?!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

That's spelled "rundeathisnear" Courtesy of an ICU nurse friend who has seen it all.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Dr. F, thank you for linking to this vital information! My neighbor’s wonderful 40-year-old son was murdered in my small-town hospital, via this method, leaving behind a lovely wife and three precious children. We must learn this. We must broadcast this. The future of civilization depends on our insistence upon morality and compassion in all things. We must root out and cauterize the worship of the dollar.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Nuremberg 2.0 will not be a centralized, orchestrated series of trials, it has already begun and is revealing itself to be something like an investigative "death of a thousand cuts."

The predators, parasites and murderers are being identified, isolated and dragged out of their protective organizational anonymity, into the cold light of day.

Every single atrocity begins with the decision and influence of an individual. These individuals use influence and coercion to build a defensive screen of "consensus" around themselves, amplifying their power.

There are powerful people exposing the individuals that are most visible, such as Senator Paul exposing the criminal Fauci. This is all necessary and important, but Fauci, Birx et al could not have caused the devastation they have, unaided by key individuals operating from within various organizations.

Turn over the rocks and prosecute them when they try to slither away. We have laws against what they have done, and they must be charged and tried in our courts where motions of discovery can tear asunder their tissue of lies.

No Amnesty.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Ted, I agree with your sentiment but they don't need amnesty. They already have immunity, at least under the current Regime. The PREP Act basically says the doctors, hospitals, drug companies, pharmacists and all "covered persons" who were implementing "countermeasures" are immune from any liability if they followed government advice, which they did. This immunity (in combination with the financial incentives) is why many doctors and nurses turned into prison guards who essentially executed their patients for profit. The only way anyone (including Fauci or Birx) could be prosecuted is for the Government to first bring an enforcement action against them, and that will never happen with the current Regime's corrupt Attorney General. Justice can only be achieved by massive political change and that is why the current Regime will do everything possible to retain power.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

I warn you all -- these truths are so pornographic and evil, that you, as a truth-sayer, will be viewed by many as a maladjusted individual.

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I remember seeing this in June 2020 and it changed my entire thinking about the tragedies that were awaiting tens of thousands of Americans who were denied early treatment and given horrendous care if they had to visit a hospital. Crimes against humanity.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Trump2020....she's going to have a very difficult time when Dems turn the vaxx damages back on Trump and adapt the Orange Vaxxman Bad strategy.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

That's politics, but not reality. The accolades for operation warp speed were bipartisan. Trump's problem, and it is a big one, is not apologizing or at least acknowledging that he was misled - as I must remind, were most of the readers and most of our colleagues. If you hate Trump, that argument is weak. Disantis is making hay on this issue without even mentioning Trump

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Yeah...it is political so what? The reality is that Trump fractured his base.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Agree. He takes 1 step forward, then shoots himself in the foot. Vaccine victory laps. Reason I support Disantis or any other Rep alternative.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

I knew when the ship arrived and it was not used it was all a sham. No one will be held accountable. The NWO marching orders were being carried out. Time for a real J6

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

True. My concern is not legal, but the propaganda value of the WHO proclamations on local authorities. We are signatories (I think) of the current Treaty. Likely they will amend it to water down the regulatory authority and we might sign it with the added crap. Look at what happened with CDC's guidelines. Only a few states pushed back.

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Hospital medicine is not so quality anymore and it is rare to find a good quality and caring hospital doctor these days. It may be from overwork yet it’s clear that the intelligence of these workers is less than from the professional of years past. Sad to know that they are actively mistreating by use of toxic antiviral drug remdisivir “remem death is near” and ventilators when it is clots not pneumonia that’s causing their oxygen to drop.

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That nurse has the names of the doctors and nurses (and administrators) that ordered the killing. Many other nurses around the country have names to tell too. In public hospitals, salaries and bonuses are available to the public on their 990 forms.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

I have said from the beginning that only legal action can stop the medical tyranny and bring perps to account. Our profession will never do anything. They are too busy using Medical Boards to delicense doctors guilty of "misinformation" and sadly, profiting from the debacle.

BTW - we need more discussion of the WHO amended pandemic treaty which the U.S. and the entire West will surely sign. Jennifer???

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Doesn't work like that

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How so please explain. Thanks

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Has to be ratified by Congress. Biden cannot do that unilaterally and it cannot override the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Robert Barnes has fielded dozens questions on this in last month or two.

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The WHO treaty is supposed to be ratified by Congress but the Biden Regime plans to treat it as a self-executing agreement to circumvent asking for Senate approval. That is yet another impeachable offense but as long as the Democrats hold power the Constitution is null and void. Senator Ron Johnson and other Republicans have introduced legislation to require Senate approval of the WHO Treaty but that effort is unlikely to succeed. https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2022/5/sen-johnson-introduces-legislation-to-protect-american-sovereignty-against-world-health-organization

Massive political change is the only way to restore self-government. Jennifer may want to do an article on it because as bad as things have been, WHO can and will make it far worse. The death camps we saw in American hospitals will look mild compared to what WHO has in store for us.

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Jennifer, hopefully you can keep us updated on the “progress” of this treaty. Like this new RESTRICT legislation, ramifications and government intent far exceed any value to citizens. The risk benefit ratio approaches zero.

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Thanks Jennifer. Beyond awful the slaughter of the innocent, frail, elderly.

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