Apr 3Liked by Jennifer Brown

I served as a poll worker yesterday. Electioneere, those folks trying to sway you as you enter the poll, must conduct their activities 25 feet from the door to the polling place. Not 250. As many people voting at my location had strong feelings about the Sports Tax situation, they wanted to talk to me (in a loud voice) about their opinion as I checked them in. I had to remind them that what they were doing wasn't allowed and they needed to go outside if they wanted to try to persuade other voters to vote their way. Most understood and quietly went on to cast their ballot. Another factor of electioneering is clothing endorsing one candidate or proposition inside the polling place. As polling place workers we were forbidden to wear any clothing sporting the logo of either team. However voters were allowed to wear their team jackets, shirts, hats, etc... The whole electioneering thing is a balancing act between undue influence and free speech. I'm sure there are supporters of some causes that would jump on the chance to totally silence any opposite messages.

The politicians that wrote the measure for the ballot made it as complicated as possible. It was a triple negative. Some of the voters took white a while to puzzle that one out. I believe if the measure had been more straightforward it would have suffered a larger defeat.

About the letter Dr. Funtimes mentioned, I got one also. I have no idea how they got my name or why they believe I would be susceptible to their messaging. It was appalling.

Finally, I had MANY young, first time voters quietly confide to me while checking in that they were there to vote against a tax they didn't want to pay for the next 40 years. Hope for the future!

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Apr 3Liked by Jennifer Brown

This is not a 'Dear Jen Letter' ❤️

If it were, i would say, Uncle!' and mix up the metaphors.

But i am one of those 'at the polling station, just beyond the legal boundary people' attempting to do my civic duty: communicate w/my community, educate and enlighten anyone who is unsure what's on the ballot, at the zero hour. Those people used to just stay home.

My stand up question, "do you need a sample ballot, or explanation of bills/bonds/measures on the ballot?'

Unlike you, an educated force of nature, politically savvy and awake & active voter... some people come to the polls as unprepared as that frozen turkey in the meat case. They are driven to the polls by incessant advertising on local MSM for one "issue" propaganda or one candidate's face.

Pushy pollsters are annoying & not me. i can take 'No' for an answer. I do get some compatriots who know One of their votes but want to see the 'whole party ticket.'

For the record, I'm done with the red-blue party gig, and the inconsistency of the party makes me regret being involved.

Them: Lucy with the football.

Me: Charlie Brown attempting to kick said football.

Sincerely, BORed


i, too DETEST getting unsolicited mail, having been sold down the subscription river!

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Apr 3Liked by Jennifer Brown

Dear BetterOffRed, I agree about the whole Red/Blue dichotomy. When one side represents venality and corruption while the other is spineless weakness and capitulation, I choose neither. I wish people would try thinking for themselves instead of joining a party. Cheers, Duct Tape

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I love everything you just wrote!! ❤️

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Apr 3Liked by Jennifer Brown

I hear stories like this, the obvious corruption, and think is this beyond fixing? Those people outside the polling place, why don't they have real jobs? It is a billion dollar industry fixing elections. How can 1 item on the ballot get counted so much faster than another item on the same ballot? Why is a stadium more important than kids education? How f***ed up is our society?

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Apr 3Liked by Jennifer Brown

It's only election interference when we do it.

Anything they do is necessary to have a safe and free election. With complete transparency of course.

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Apr 3Liked by Jennifer Brown

Companies have no right to sell our information. I just read that Facebook sold people’s private messages to Netflix for $100 million. Can you imagine people telling their friends their deepest, darkest secrets and then find it was violated, sold and it will appear on some future Netflix special?

Great job for voting down the stadium tax. I’m betting that this isn’t the last you hear about it though. Billionaires will bribe someone to get the people to pay for it.

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I am anticipating that the August or November ballot will have yet another “gimme stadium money” question on it!

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A timely article on how it’s not just stadium owners that fleece us to build their stadiums when they can foot the bills themselves without noticing that they spent money. Politicians bend over backwards to give them tax breaks and subsidies which just adds to their billions. I don’t know how we fix the corruption in this country….unless we get rid of all the politicians that never put our needs first.


The money given for the stadium would sure go a long way to building affordable housing instead. And don’t get me started on the TRILLIONS that government spends on wars that only benefit a few and never we the people!

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