They need the Orange Vaxxman Bad strategy ASAP now. I predicted this a year ago. Also don't confuse that statement with Trump support per se. Just a prediction.

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Nailed it

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I am not surprised this kind of groundwork is being laid at this point. I do believe there will be a lot of regret for the whole Warp Speed campaign. The big push will be to lay the responsibility for this entire mess at the feet of Donald Trump. Despite all of the abhorrent actions of the current administration, they will (with full media support) say they did the best with what they were given by the previous administration. And the gullible sheep will gobble it up with a spoon. The fact that we can all remember who gave us vaccine mandates will not matter. This is just going to serve as another cynical propaganda driven power grab.

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It will be the same psyop as that for the Afghanistan disaster. "The withdrawal was set up by Trump at bequest of strong popular and bipartisan demand, but all the horrors of the implementation of surrender were on Trump." Especially all the poor souls who dropped to their deaths hanging on to the wheels of the C-47.... I will never forget those images of what people will do to seek freedom.

And MSM will push the Vaxx liability on Warp Speed which also had wide support and was predicated without the foreknowledge that the mass produced vax would be even more deadly than the purer scrubbed vax (18 vs. 14 ACD - an "insignificant #" + more CV deaths in the vaxxed), used in the clinical trials to score the EUA. Full of billions of contaminant DNA and RNA sequences weaponized by LNPs to enter all cells. This is actually the face of evil.

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And if you doubt this, read Sashas post below very carefully. They pursued the EUA path precisely because it would NOT REQUIRE INVESTIGATION OF NEW DRUG RULES.

No cgmp, no informed consent, no clinical investigation needed for MEDICAL COUNTERMEASURES, entire population as a sample pool

Then it could be done at Warp Speed...


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Specifically what they will do is throw Biden under the bus for the mandates but blame Trump OWS for the vaxx effects. That's how they will split attribution for political purposes.

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Government employees, including our military grunts (said with great affection), were mandated at twice the rate to take the poison. Sure the crooked, greedy pharma companies ignored their own clinical trials, corrupted their own clinical trials and make this crap ... but the people who mandated it, forcing others to take and live/die with the side effects are equally culpable. In fact all those who became clinical researchers overnight by watching CNN should probably be rounded up and ______. You fill in the blank.

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I received a polling call from Rasmussen once when I lived in Alaska. Their one question for me went like this: Would you vote for Candidate X if you knew he had (insert vile crime of your choice here)? Coincidentally enough Candidate X was standing in my kitchen at that very moment. He lived down the street from me and we went fishing together. So I told the pollster to hang on for a second. I asked Candidate X if he had ever committed such a crime and he answered in the negative. Rather forcefully too. So I put Candidate X on the line. It was a short conversation. Because of this I have a very low opinion of Rasmussen pollsters.

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I ran some back-of-the-envelope numbers about this during the mandates: (I think this is how we got on the subject of you being in KC, doc!)


....when you talk to your friends, they also talk about THEIR friends, don’t they? Once again we’ll assume the ‘worst’ for our math and assume THOSE friends also only know 100 new people to add to the circle.

5,000 person ‘immediate’ circle x 100 people = 500,000 ‘friend-of-a-friend’ circle

And since those people also average 1.8 shots per person, there are 900,000 doses between them. And using the German 1-in-5000 doses data, that means we can expect 180 serious vaccine reactions in those 900,000 doses. That’s a lot of stories that get relayed (via circle 1) back to the Royals (or whoever — because remember, this works with any group of 50 people).

This is why when people get together, it seems like almost everybody knows somebody who’s had a terrible reaction to the vaccine. A group of just 10 people taken to our very conservative ‘friend-of-a-friend’ level encompasses 100,000 people and 180,000 doses, leading to an ‘expected’ outcome of 36 adverse effects. That type of news travels quickly AND comes from trusted sources.

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Wow. I pray that people open their eyes and understand the magnitude of the crimes against humanity that have been committed by the United States. Our so-called leaders are ignorant maggots. Thank you Jennifer. Peace.

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I thought most govt employees received an exemption from taking the jabs?

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Have you forgotten that the military are gov. employees?

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