Why were these morons testing for anything w/ a bs test in the first place? Did they have the sniffles? Allergy eyes? Are they simply devout Party Members ? Hypochondriacs? I was almost tempted to write “ people have lost their ever loving minds”. But I don’t really believe that and I haven’t since February 2020. We are seeing what has always lurked just beneath the surface of the social facade of our fellow humans. There is much less coherent thinking & self regulation than many people have imagined. We can no longer pretend humans are a rational species over all. Sanity is the exception, not the rule.
"I wonder if they all posted on social media that they were “very thankful for their vaccine as it could have been worse without it”. Only those with an IQ of <80. You know, those in supervisory positions.
Why were these morons testing for anything w/ a bs test in the first place? Did they have the sniffles? Allergy eyes? Are they simply devout Party Members ? Hypochondriacs? I was almost tempted to write “ people have lost their ever loving minds”. But I don’t really believe that and I haven’t since February 2020. We are seeing what has always lurked just beneath the surface of the social facade of our fellow humans. There is much less coherent thinking & self regulation than many people have imagined. We can no longer pretend humans are a rational species over all. Sanity is the exception, not the rule.
"I wonder if they all posted on social media that they were “very thankful for their vaccine as it could have been worse without it”. Only those with an IQ of <80. You know, those in supervisory positions.
But they were a "sophisticated, vaccinated crowd".
Thanks Jennifer.
If the whole thing wasn't so truly evil. This CDCers being bitten on their sorry arses, would be hysterically funny as heck!