Thanks for writing this piece. Had never really given a thought to what happened to the brave men who signed the Declaration of Independence and now we know. I truly wonder if we present day Americans would have the courage to put our money where our mouths are. I truly sense that this country is circling the drain and, more than ever, we need all of our citizens to stand up and dig our heels in and refuse to comply with the nonsense that is being foisted upon us. If the past three years have taught us anything, it should be that never again will we bend our knees to this fakery. I, for one, will die on my feet rather than live on my knees.

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I agree. Would current day American’s have the balls to do what those men did 200+ years ago? Most would not. Personally, I would rather die doing the right thing than live doing the wrong. When the media scare of “door to door vaccine inspections” was rolling around during the covid mandates I stated I would rather be shot dead in my front yard standing for my convictions than coerced into a shot in my arm. And I meant it. And I still do. ❤️

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Our enemy wants us to believe we are cowardly inferior subhumans that deserve nothing but to be ruled over by them. They absolutely despise us, and are literally banking on us never catching on to their ruthless insane genocidal hatred of everyone not of their little tribe. They have conditioned us through generations via infiltration and subversion of our entire culture to believe we are incapable of self rule, that we are cowardly (because they tell us endless stories of how we are now weak and inferior to even our own ancestors) , that we are inherently selfish, with no morals, no good within us, that God is just a fairytale, that Ai is all powerful and inevitable,

, that we are but irrelevant specks accidentally existing on a spinning ball in sailing through a vast empty void of endless 'space', totally insignificant and powerless, that we need them to rule over us, to protect us, to save us from ourselves, because we are too stupid, selfish and clueless and left to our own devices we are going to overun the planet and ruin everything. ALL of it is LIES.

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excellent post.

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Re your question about courage and "Americans, " they have already answered your question -- unequivocally. Because?

Respiratory infection.

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Thanks. Jennifer, excellent article. Eye-opening for sure. No one ever thinks about those 56 men, we think about the ones who survived! We think frequently of our military members who fought and died for Mohr freedoms, infrequently, or not at all, do we pay tribute to our founders, signers of the Declaration of Independence. Thank you for the reminder🙏

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Thanks Jennifer. Excellent post. They were hard-core truth-telling warriors. Not one "leader" today has a clue. Peace.

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Can't help but echo the word excellent. Good job. Thank you for covering many topics that others have not. It's a fresh read.

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The founding father's fight was against the king who believed Americans were "subject to" the British crown. Americans defeated the king's forces after declaring their independence. The same as slaves who sought freedom from being "subject to" their masters.

In Lincoln's speech at Independence Hall, on Washington's birthday in 1861, just seven weeks before Jefferson Davis and the slave owning South waged war on free Americans, with the support of the British monarchy, Lincoln honored the fate of the founders.


Lincoln knew what happened to the founding fathers who stood up for individual liberty. He too took a stand against being "subject to" the masters of the world. The masters of the world killed him too leaving Mary Lincoln penniless and devastated. Over and over again throughout history masters of the universe kill people who refuse to be "subject to" them. GreatKaan.com Even today Julian Assange is being destroyed in jail for exposing the masters of the universe (money changers) for their destruction of the Earth.

It is time to make the "Masters of the Universe" "subject to" "the people" since they can not stop killing "the people" and destroying the world. Free Julian Assange and ALL political prisoners ...


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Great article Jennifer. What a difference a few hundred years makes.

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I did not know these things. Courage is rare and required for real change, so hearing about their fates is truly helpful. Thank you.

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Thank you, Dr. Funtimes. I did know some of this.

Have cross-posted.

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Thanks for cross posting this! I had never heard any of this. Wow. Why isn’t THIS taught in our history? 🤫 Don’t answer that…I already know the answer. 😞

Americans have no courage. No convictions. No honor. No backbone. Generally speaking (as I know there are many of us who did exhibit those characteristics throughout the scam), America (who should’ve been that beacon of hope) shrunk and caved to a flu. A respiratory virus. A common cold. Americans folded like a cheap tent as soon as adversity showed up. It is a sad and dark period of time that will be looked back on as an embarrassment for a free country that was supposed to stand for liberty and freedom.

May God have mercy on us even if we don’t deserve it.

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You're welcome! Amazing, yes?

"...folded like a cheap tent..."

That about says it all.

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This is something that every single American kid must learn, in my opinion, if they hope to even get a high school diploma. This must be one of the “must know“ facts to be considered “high school educated“. Of course, that doesn’t happen, and that’s not an accident, it’s an on purpose. I learned about the fates of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence several decades ago, but through very non-standard sources.

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this should be posted often in many places. Not that very many will understand but then those aren't the people who count.

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Thanks Jennifer. Great post.

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