I believe Singapore had heavy "vaccine" uptake. I will double-check that but I think they were pro "vax", mask and all the other propaganda driven idiocy. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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I am sure all of the excess death is among the unvaccinated, signed "The Science™ is Settled.

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From Lioness of Judah article:

Full Breakdown of the Ongoing Covert Ops To ‘Cull the Herd’ – Alarming Proof the CIA, Rockefeller Foundation and DOD Are Directly Tied to Deagel’s Apocalyptic 2025 Depopulation Forecast https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/full-breakdown-of-the-ongoing-covert

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So excess mortality has completely eclipsed what we saw during the pandemic, and the world (media, bureaucrats, and politicians) are acting like they've saved us from a deadly virus, and there may be some more saving needed later this year as we come into cold and flu season.

How can anyone continue to take these people seriously?

How do they avoid being lynched?

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The charts that I find interesting are the ones where there are very few deaths in the country and then BOOM! once the people there start getting jabbed the death rate skyrockets. That seems to be the smoking gun that shows how dangerous they are. And there are quite a lot of countries that show that.

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From Wickedpedia, "the free encyclopedia"

"COVID-19 vaccination in Singapore" ...

"The COVID-19 vaccination in Singapore is an ongoing immunisation campaign against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), in response to the ongoing pandemic in the country. Singapore has a very high vaccination rate, with more than 92% of its total population (and more than 93% of its eligible population) having completed their vaccination regimen.[2][3]" ...

"The Singapore Government invested more than one billion Singapore dollars to sign advanced purchase agreements and made early down payments on promising vaccine candidates, such as Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna and CoronaVac.[4]"

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Qatar is one of the most heavily vaxxed (vax rate way higher than their population due to large number of expats) and the very last country in the world to drop mask mandates. Working well.

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That princess...

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Just heard on the radio to get your flu and covid shot because it's........

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Does this mean it is a good time to invest in mortuary services?

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The ‘experts’ will preach to us and get the media to parrot their words, as nauseum: “long covid”!

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Or maybe this work earlier in the vaccine rollout out of Lund Univ.:


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