Brave browser, Duck Duck Go, and Protonmail for me. Highly recommend!

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DITTO! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. I have one remaining alphabet google email but its a junk box I use for nothing important. Cancelled all the other ones!

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I enjoy screwing with the Google algorithm, myself. It's like....do want ads for........rugs?

LOL nope!

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LOVE your post! Following along on your stack now! ❤️

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I just found you too! 💗

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The search results / differences when looking for something against the paid narrative are astounding. I highly recommend people use 3 different search engines and see for themselves.

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How do we crack this Orwellian nut? How does a righteous bullet penetrate their magical cloak? Where do we find justice in a lawless world?

There is literally a Trusted News Initiative which globally coordinates their influence activities/propaganda. Propagates lies. And silences anything they disagree with. So revelations that the US 'administration' was directing Big Tech/SM to silence Enemies of the State seemingly bounced off and vanished in the same news cycle. Nothing to see here, sheeple.

Unelected billionaires have their hands controlling media entities, UN bodies, and their own dystopian collaborative (terrorist) organisations. GatesOfHell and Tony The Rat both have enough known crimes racked up that their continued freedom is a daily travesty. Where are the various Justice Departments? What will it take to wake them up?

I'd thought late 2021 was the nadir. At the individual level things were looking grim. Now, globally, things are looking worse. A war in Europe that is still baffling but has provided so much concealment of crimes. A 'nuclear war' about to kick off, maybe, that will destroy economies and complete the wealth transfer started during the Plandemonium. Famines. Supply chains grinding to a halt. The working class ejected into the gutter.

Question is, how did they get the 'right' people in these jobs all at the right time, globally? Answer is, they were already there. These organisations were never ours. And with every initiative of overreach for every letter agency and UN body they tightened their straitjacket on us all. Turns out, billionaires buy influence. Who would have thought?

Really doesn't matter at this point how they are so numerous and coordinated, whether it is a grand conspiracy below the apex. Could be in part the herd dynamic. Just self-preservation. After ACIP approved a trashy product without robust testing they had to double down time after time. And with precedent the momentum built, until the 8-mouse special and the childhood roster were a small step to take.

Arresting momentum is hard. Especially at the speed of science. Didn't realise that was a thing until recently.

Seeing the same control mechanisms being used for the 'climate crisis', having tried to converse with intelligent people about the reality to no effect due to the 'unanimous science', I've a deep sense of foreboding for the next 12 months. The pace is accelerating. While distracted by the Kiev Kabuki Theater policies and laws are being put in place that will hobble future efforts to feed our populations.

By design.

Their own plan tells us they will destroy the old system to bring in their solution.

But they're not waiting for 2030.

They are poisoning wells, and animals, and humans. Right now.

With the vote tomorrow, after ACIP approve the childhood roster addition, will the parents of American children rise up? Apathy won't be enough.

What are the odds, for a child injected annually with large doses of MRNA, of making it to 18 in a functional state?

Between fertility dropping, all cause mortality rising, and this insane plan to further poison children, are we at the tipping point?


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