I agree with the question "Will President Trump go along with the PsyWar / psyops campaign AGAIN?" Emphasis added. What did President Trump know, and when did he know it? His actions this time around will tell us for sure.
I know all my neighbors with fowl are preparing to resist the Kill Orders this time. They complied last time only to discover the Kill Orders were issued because of less than 5 confirmed cases 1500 miles away.
The Bird Flu seems like an escalation. The lockdown orders will disrupt the economy just like last time. The masking and social distancing will isolate. However the new wrinkle will be to kill off and destroy a large portion of the food supply. We already turn our corn into an inferior gasoline substitute. Maybe this time we can add famine to misery index! They want us dead.
Elections have consequences and hopefully in this case benefits. I do not see Bobby Kennedy allowing this and Trump will not make the same mistake twice. They have an uphill battle. Until somebody is made to pay for the first two rounds (read Bobby's book), they will keep trying. Sadly, so many people in the Western World never saw the first 2 rounds (especially C19) for what they were and will comply with anything ... and subject their young children to the same.
Will the American people fall for it again is anybody's guess. I truly believe that there is now far greater vaccine skepticism than at any time in my lifetime. I am a retired physician forced out because I would not take the Covid vaccine but, until Covid came along, I was pro vaccine. I never once questioned the rationale of administering vaccines because we were all taught in medical school that vaccines ended the great plagues and diseases of the 19th century and were responsible for saving millions of lives. We believed it because we were told that the literature was replete with studies showing that this was so. Call it the grace of God but I was able to see through the lies that were being promoted as the truth with regard to all things Covid - its origins, its lethality, the lack of any outpatient treatment outside of vaccines, the superiority of vaccines over natural immunity, the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, the need for lockdowns and the need to mask ourselves - all lies and pronounced from the bully pulpit of Anthony Fauci and promulgated by the media ad nauseum. That was the jump off point for me and it was then that I began my journey into the real truth regarding vaccines and their impact on the dreaded diseases of the 19th century but, more importantly, the truth about the never spoken of side effects of these injections. That brings us to the present post by Jennifer. What I am truly worried about is not so much how the people will react but, in truth, how will the medical profession react to all of this. If Covid was the trial balloon, and the medical profession hasn't awakened then we will be in trouble. We cannot have our medical system in lock step with any of the nonsense that characterized the Covid era mandates and responses. They have got to take a stand and refuse to be a part of worthless mitigation measures and draconian lockdowns. What we have seen over the past five years is an attack on science, I mean real science, and the silencing of those physicians and scientists who have done the deep dive into the Covid vaccine, its mechanisms of action, its deleterious side effects and the problems with entire LNP-mRNA platform. What we get from the CDC and the FDA is nonsense. Because they are totally captured agencies they are beholding to their masters, the biopharmaceutical industry, and thus are the real spreaders of misinformation. It is a crime that screams to the heavens. I feel most of time that I am screaming into the wind as I have tried to wake up some of my former colleagues with almost daily emails from many of the substack authors and scientists. Have I made a difference? Who the hell knows because I get no feed back, not even a "stop sending me emails and shut the explicative up". It's as if the medical community just wants to put Covid in the rear view mirror and move on. But what the hell is it moving onto if it hasn't figured out that what it just went through? It will continue to repeat itself if medicine itself doesn't draw the red line in the sand and say enough is enough!! We will just have to wait and see what happens here and hope that RFK Jr. can put the brakes on these sociopaths and demons.
And X will facilitate it all. It's Twatter/Dorsey 2.0
King Elon has just decreed no negative posts, no questioning or finding fault with elected officials, a social credit scoring system on the platform and the removal/suspension of any who questions replacing Americans with cheap foreign labor.
Meanwhile, Trump did a 180 on his anti h1b stance in 2016 vs now when he favors it. He's been bought off and I'm having a hard time believing anything he says now.
I agree with the question "Will President Trump go along with the PsyWar / psyops campaign AGAIN?" Emphasis added. What did President Trump know, and when did he know it? His actions this time around will tell us for sure.
I know all my neighbors with fowl are preparing to resist the Kill Orders this time. They complied last time only to discover the Kill Orders were issued because of less than 5 confirmed cases 1500 miles away.
The Bird Flu seems like an escalation. The lockdown orders will disrupt the economy just like last time. The masking and social distancing will isolate. However the new wrinkle will be to kill off and destroy a large portion of the food supply. We already turn our corn into an inferior gasoline substitute. Maybe this time we can add famine to misery index! They want us dead.
Crises is a vice grip upon the public neck. How many can the administrative deep state originate?
But there must be a minimum Chicken Little saturation to whom Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is but pointless platitude.
Elections have consequences and hopefully in this case benefits. I do not see Bobby Kennedy allowing this and Trump will not make the same mistake twice. They have an uphill battle. Until somebody is made to pay for the first two rounds (read Bobby's book), they will keep trying. Sadly, so many people in the Western World never saw the first 2 rounds (especially C19) for what they were and will comply with anything ... and subject their young children to the same.
Will the American people fall for it again is anybody's guess. I truly believe that there is now far greater vaccine skepticism than at any time in my lifetime. I am a retired physician forced out because I would not take the Covid vaccine but, until Covid came along, I was pro vaccine. I never once questioned the rationale of administering vaccines because we were all taught in medical school that vaccines ended the great plagues and diseases of the 19th century and were responsible for saving millions of lives. We believed it because we were told that the literature was replete with studies showing that this was so. Call it the grace of God but I was able to see through the lies that were being promoted as the truth with regard to all things Covid - its origins, its lethality, the lack of any outpatient treatment outside of vaccines, the superiority of vaccines over natural immunity, the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, the need for lockdowns and the need to mask ourselves - all lies and pronounced from the bully pulpit of Anthony Fauci and promulgated by the media ad nauseum. That was the jump off point for me and it was then that I began my journey into the real truth regarding vaccines and their impact on the dreaded diseases of the 19th century but, more importantly, the truth about the never spoken of side effects of these injections. That brings us to the present post by Jennifer. What I am truly worried about is not so much how the people will react but, in truth, how will the medical profession react to all of this. If Covid was the trial balloon, and the medical profession hasn't awakened then we will be in trouble. We cannot have our medical system in lock step with any of the nonsense that characterized the Covid era mandates and responses. They have got to take a stand and refuse to be a part of worthless mitigation measures and draconian lockdowns. What we have seen over the past five years is an attack on science, I mean real science, and the silencing of those physicians and scientists who have done the deep dive into the Covid vaccine, its mechanisms of action, its deleterious side effects and the problems with entire LNP-mRNA platform. What we get from the CDC and the FDA is nonsense. Because they are totally captured agencies they are beholding to their masters, the biopharmaceutical industry, and thus are the real spreaders of misinformation. It is a crime that screams to the heavens. I feel most of time that I am screaming into the wind as I have tried to wake up some of my former colleagues with almost daily emails from many of the substack authors and scientists. Have I made a difference? Who the hell knows because I get no feed back, not even a "stop sending me emails and shut the explicative up". It's as if the medical community just wants to put Covid in the rear view mirror and move on. But what the hell is it moving onto if it hasn't figured out that what it just went through? It will continue to repeat itself if medicine itself doesn't draw the red line in the sand and say enough is enough!! We will just have to wait and see what happens here and hope that RFK Jr. can put the brakes on these sociopaths and demons.
And X will facilitate it all. It's Twatter/Dorsey 2.0
King Elon has just decreed no negative posts, no questioning or finding fault with elected officials, a social credit scoring system on the platform and the removal/suspension of any who questions replacing Americans with cheap foreign labor.
Meanwhile, Trump did a 180 on his anti h1b stance in 2016 vs now when he favors it. He's been bought off and I'm having a hard time believing anything he says now.